End The Pain and Struggle, Enjoy Life

The simplest most effective self-help course​
Happy Group of People

Harvard, Columbia, UCLA, And Pennsylvania University Researchers Validated The Effectiveness of The Release Program.

The Release Technique™, developed by Larry Crane with the guidance of expert Lester Levenson, can help eliminate the negativity associated with life’s challenges.
Life shouldn’t be so hard. You are worried and frustrated about your money, health, and relationship problems. Don’t let your negative thoughts and feelings run your life.

You can unlock happiness, success, and abundance with the Release Technique

Release Technique can also help you:

Listen to this demo to hear what The Release Technique sounds like in action:

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Improve all aspects of your life

Let us be Your Guide

We at the Release Technique have been there. We know how it feels to be overwhelmed, worried, and frustrated while knowing there is more to life. And we learned how easy it is to turn things around. With our simple breathing technique you can improve your life in a multitude of ways.


Improve your finances with the Release Technique​


Improve your health & wellness with the Release Technique​


Improve your relationships with the Release Technique​


Take a Live Releasing Class

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Releasing Fundamentals
30-Day Financial Freedom & Life Mastery Telecourse
Discover powerful techniques to unlock happiness, success, and abundance in your life.
Breakthrough to Freedom header
Master Releasing
Breakthrough to Freedom Retreat
Discover powerful techniques to unlock happiness, success, and abundance in your life.
Master Releasing
Lester's 9-Day Quiet Your Mind Program
Discover powerful techniques to unlock happiness, success, and abundance in your life.

Take a Live Releasing Class​

Payment plans available.​

Honest Endorsements

More kind words of success.

Our Story

Our Story In 1954, doctors told 42 year old Lester Levenson, who had just suffered a massive heart attack, that he had only weeks to live. An engineer and scientist, Lester began asking himself basic questions about happiness and the meaning of life. From those simple questions, which eventually became the Release Technique, Lester made 3 discoveries: (1) Love was the answer to his problems; (2) He could create his outer circumstances however he wished, and (3) He did not have to fear dying. After three months, he emerged, with a continuous state of happiness with no taint of sorrow and lived for another 42 years. Read more about Larry here.

Lester Levenson

Lester Levenson

(Jan 18, 1909 – Jan 18,1994)
Larry Crane portrait

Larry Crane

(March 30, 1935 – December 30, 2018)

Larry Crane was a very successful businessman out of New York. In the 1960’s , he started his career as a marketing director for Remco toys, and went on to creating compilation record packages with Billionaire Jon Huntsman. There Larry received 16 gold and 4 platinum records and an Effie award for his advertising achievements. In 1981, he retired in Sedona, Arizona for a few years to work with Lester Levenson. Then in 1983, Larry moved to Los Angeles to become a Celebrity Agent with his childhood friend Marty Ingles.

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