“A while back, my hand began to shake uncontrollably.  It came to mind that I am now the same age as my father when he experienced this hand shaking activity.  My father’s doctor diagnosed it as Parkinson’s and prescribed medication.  I am as grateful today as I was back then for the doctor’s assistance in improving my father’s quality of life.
However, I purposefully choose not to go the route of doctors and medication.  I have an abundant set of Releasing tools available for my use.  I’ve noticed that when my hand shakes, I’m not in CAP and I’m not Releasing.  This shaking thing has been a blessing to my life.  It reminds me to continue my Releasing momentum.  On the rare occasion when it now happens, I immediately go to CAP and start Releasing.  Of course, the shaking goes away; it leaves with my love and my permission.  And an added benefit is that I get to stay in CAP and continue Releasing.   
I thank you for taking your time and effort to make the Releasing Technique available to people.  I also find the Wednesday teleconferences are extremely beneficial.  It is an important tool for me in maintaining momentum and staying in contact with the Releasing community.  Again, thank you for your unflagging service to all of the Release graduates.” -Jerry Lazar