
Our mind is in the business of keeping us controlled, captive.

That is, our mind wants us to think we are owned by it.  One of its tools is guilt.

What value is this feeling of guilt?  How does it help us?  How does it make us feel better?  How does it make us more positive, more loving, more happy, more abundant, more successful?  We immediately see guilt is of absolutely no value to us.  Our mind wants us to think guilt helps us by keeping us from repeating the behavior which we are feeling guilty about.  A lie.  That is our mind telling us a lie.  Guilt makes us prone to the same behavior that got us feeling guilty.

We must discriminate and see that our mind lies to us often. We have to see the lies and understand that those lies keep us locked in the prison of the mind.

Guilt does nothing positive for us.

Guilt tells us we need to beat ourselves up.  How does that help us?

Our mind tells us, whatever we did or said was wrong, was bad, and we need to beat ourselves up so we can survive. We get the subtle feeling that if we don’t beat ourselves up, something will happen to us. If we look closely we will see that the something bad the mind is telling us will happen is we will die. That is what the mind is telling us. And, worse, some religions tell us, unless we beat ourselves up for whatever we have done or said, we will go to hell and be punished for all eternity. That is one of the biggest lies we could ever be told.  It is a huge, damaging lie.

We say or do something we have been conditioned to believe is bad. We feel guilty.  We begin to beat ourselves up.  We go into fear of the consequences of whatever we said or did such as hell, if we believe what some religions tell us.  Death if we believe our mind. Something bad will happen to us unless we punish ourselves, says our lying mind.

We begin to beat ourselves up. We add whatever we feel guilty about to our subconscious fear file.  We go on with our lives, one more thing in our subconscious mind to beat ourselves up about.  And, we go on with our lives with this negativity in us clouding our view of the world.  We go on with this additional bit of negativity blocking our view of who and what we really are, blocking our view, our awareness of the 100% all loving, all happy being that we REALLY are.

And, guess what?  Are you beginning to see it? This guilt process, described in the preceding sentences, keeps us holding in mind we are not a good a person, we are a bad person, deserving of punishment and hell.   There is a hell alright, but it is not what some religions say it is.  The hell is living with the beliefs told to us by our mind.  The hell is the feeling, the believing we are bad, deserving of punishment. That is the hell and that is the lie.

Picture putting on a pair of eyeglasses. Picture these eyeglasses clouded over by all the guilt we have collected over time.   Are we beginning to see how guilt robs us of our happiness, our love, our freedom? Guilt is one of the AGFLAP feelings that keeps us locked in negativity. Each bit of negativity we have collected, blocks out a bit of positivity. Are we beginning to see how negativity blocks us from being all the love that we naturally are, all the happiness that we naturally are, all the perfect health that we naturally are, the unlimited Being that we naturally are?   Are we beginning to see how the negativity we have collected, negativity such as guilt, how all this negativity robs us of our life, our aliveness?

Releasing is about letting go of all of that negativity.

Right now, look for a thought or feeling you could be having about deserving punishment, deserving pain, deserving suffering, deserving to be unhealthy, unwealthy, and always a little unhappy. That subtle thought or feeling is our mind not wanting us to have this information.  It is our mind not wanting us to release, not wanting us to be positive.

Our mind is saying, you have done or said all of these horrible things, you have hurt people with actions and words.  That is the very same mind that told us to do or say those things! We see you now mind. We see you. We are catching on to your game.  We see what is happening.  We see this game of guilt is keeping us holding in mind doing and saying the bad things, wrong things, hurtful things, negative things.   Our mind is a collection—let’s say it another way—we have collected all of those guilty feelings and we are holding them in mind.  Each and every one of those things is running in the background of our life.  Is it any surprise we are not as happy as possible? Is it any wonder we keep doing the same hurtful actions over and over and over again?  Our mind is creative.  It creates what we hold in mind.  Holding in mind saying and doing bad, wrong, hurtful things, our mind creates us saying and doing bad, wrong, hurtful things.  How could it be otherwise?

For those of us who have been releasing—using and applying the skills we have learned and have been practicing in the Release Technique—we see we are doing and saying fewer and fewer bad, wrong and hurtful things.  We might also see we are occasionally lapsing into old, habitual patterns or habits and that is because guilt has more garbage locked-up in our computer.  We are holding in mind things that keep us feeling guilty, negative and not as loving as we naturally are.

Right at this very moment, if we glance in the direction of our mind, it will gladly show us things we are continuing to beat ourselves up about  that we did or said years ago,  as far back as our memory goes and we know even further back than our memory allows us to see.  We know this beating ourselves up steals away all the happiness that we could have and be.  And, yet, we do it.  And, yes, even at this very moment, we may find ourselves feeling guilty about it and feeling bad—or less happy than we could feel, less happy than the totally happy Being that we naturally are.

Look how pessimistic the world must feel when seeing what we have just been reading.  They know what we have been saying is true and they know of no way out.  Look how optimistic, how much joy wells up in us when we read this because we know.  We who have the Release Technique tools, we who are awake to this information, we see it and we know we have the tools, the skills to turn this all upside down.  We know we have the tools to go into the computer and delete all of this guilt, all of the fear, all of these negative feelings called AGFLAP.  We know we can do it. We know how to do it.  We know we can do it right now.

We apply Step Two of the Six Steps:  Decide we can release all of this guilt and never be bothered by it again.

Catch yourself.  As soon as that dark cloud called guilt moves in, tell the mind to get lost, we don’t need your anymore mind.  Say yes to any guilty feeling that has crept in, let go of disapproval and send approval.

Stay awake.  Our mind has had its way with us long enough.  No more mind.  I am going to love myself and I am going to love everyone and everything.  I am going to free myself of guilt and all the other negativity and be happy all the time.

The Programs Course is an advanced course on CDs. The Programs Course is a must for us to learn how to conquer and rid ourselves of negative programs such as guilt.  Call now (888 333 7703), order the Programs Course and get rid of all your guilt.