20 Years of Empowering Individuals Through the Release Technique

March marks the 20th anniversary of helping people to create their ideal life using Lester Levenson’s techniques.


After 20 years, we have taught the Release Technique to over 160,0000 people in more than 50 countries. We’ve offered live classes in Spain, Singapore, the USA, Australia, Germany, Holland, and England.


It all started with Lester Levenson, at age 42, suffering his second massive heart attack. After the doctors essentially sent him home to die, Lester decided it was up to him to fix himself. For weeks, months, and throughout his years, he focused on getting rid of all his non-loving feelings.


The result?


Not only did Lester restore his health and add decades to his life, but he learned how to reach a place of unconditional bliss and imperturbability.


He did not horde his newfound secrets but shared them freely and openly.


Larry Crane met Lester in 1976 when he was at a similar crossroads, feeling extremely unhappy and dissatisfied with his life despite achieving great financial success.


Lester taught Larry how to be 100% loving and to obtain a pure happiness that was not dependent on wealth or any other external factors.


Shortly before Lester’s passing in 1994, Larry promised to continue Lester’s work and get it out to the masses.


That’s how the Release Technique was born.


Known as the “coach to the coaches,” Larry has been featured on the Today Show and taught executives, athletes, and CEOs.


So what makes the Release Technique different from other self-help programs?


We recognize that real learning is experiential, not intellectual. That’s why we take you step-by-step through the program, showing you how to get rid of all the negativity.


Most people spend their whole lives searching for happiness.


Little do they know, happiness is not some far-off summit waiting to be “discovered.”


Rather, it is inside each and every one of us.


All you need to do is peel back the layers of anxiety, anger, and other negative emotions that prevent you from experiencing happiness in its purest form.


To accomplish this, you must first understand that you are not your emotions. You may be experiencing a particular emotion, but this doesn’t mean you’re chained to it for life.


Once you realize this simple fact, it’s much easier to release any unwanted emotions.


From March 18-24, 2018 we will celebrate our 20th reunion and Lester’s work with the 7-Day Inner Stillness Retreat in Sedona, Arizona.


Whether you’re looking to recover from a negative experience or you simply want to become more present, this retreat will leave you recharged, ready to live life with vitality and purpose.


The tranquil beauty of Sedona—home to Lester’s original retreat—provides the ideal backdrop for connecting with your True Being.


As attendee Joy Billings says, “I am filled with gratitude and thankfulness to have found Releasing. More than anything I have ever done it has opened the possibilities of living in Beingness, pure joy and peace. This retreat I clearly see how my programs have been operating to create the dis-eased body. I clearly know I have used the dis-eased body to hide as an excuse to not do what I don’t want to do. I continue to release on these health issues and am feeling like I can have perfect health – I no longer need to ravish my body to justify anything – BRAVO!!” 


Friends and teachers will join in the celebration. These include Donna Fedor, a dynamic speaker who will teach you how to “think like a champion,” Rick Dillard, a lifelong musician who will help you to overcome your limitations, Hal Goldstein, a living testament to the method’s ability to increase harmony within a company, Jeff Delone, who will help you grasp the real-world applications of his teachings, and Stephan Szugat, a 15-year financial leader and strategic planner who has effectively put these techniques into practice again and again.


If you’ve considered attending a retreat but haven’t quite found the right one for you, this is the perfect opportunity to discover what the Release Technique is all about! Sign up now to take advantage of the Early-Bird Special.


Don’t wait! This retreat WILL sell out.