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From Housewives to Returning Veterans, Larry Crane Can Help ANYONE Become Calm, Successful and Happy.

Turn on the TV on any given day and chances are you’ll hear depressing news about foreclosures, unemployment, or war. But whether your listeners are financially strapped housewives or psychologically scarred veterans, Larry Crane can teach them the secret to becoming healthy, wealthy and wise.

Sharing a scientifically–proven technique that’s been taught to more than 100,000 graduates worldwide, he’ll reveal why:

Summary of the Release Technique

The Release Technique is a method that dramatically increases your profits and your performance levels. It shows you how to rid yourself of any negative emotions easily and painlessly, on the spot. Over 100,000 people have learned this amazing method.

The Release Technique is an inner technique for letting go that instantly puts you in touch with your successful self, so you can feel confident, calm and in control in any situation. This is a way to take control of your life, gain wealth, health and happiness and live a worry-free life.


About Larry Crane

Larry Crane is a best-selling author, a self-made millionaire, and a coach to the coaches.

His Release Technique has been taught to Fortune 500 companies like Wachovia Securities, Goldman Sachs and people like Coach John Wooden, (the winningest basketball coach), Tom Hopkins, (leading sales trainer), Catherine Ponder (author of many best-selling books including “Secret of Unlimited Prosperity”) and Norman Vincent Peale (father of Positive Thinking)..

Larry has personally trained businessmen, psychiatrists, psychologists, sports and entertainment celebrities, sales people, mangers and housewives in the art of letting go of problems, emotions, stress and subconscious blocks that are holding people back from having total abundance and joy in their lives.

He has been featured in hundreds of articles in newspapers and magazines, including Time and TV Guide and on TV throughout the world. A former licensing agent for Joan Collins, Wynona Judd and other celebrities, he has taught The Release Technique of letting go as well as other celebrities.

The Release Technique has been taught to over 100,000 graduates worldwide. The effectiveness of his method has been verified by researchers of Harvard, Columbia and UCLA Universities.

Larry who once partnered in business with Jon Huntsman of Huntsman Chemical Company and Clint Merchanson, former owner of the Dallas Cowboys, has studied with a master of the Secret – Lester Levenson, and in turn shows his students the secret to the Law of Attraction.

Questions to ask Larry Crane

01. You earned millions as a successful business man, what were you doing then to land in “Time Magazine,” and why did you give up a lucrative profession to teach others how to be happy?
02. What is The Release Technique?
03. How is The Release Technique different than other motivational courses?
04. How is this different than Therapy?
05. Does it work on _____________ (various illnesses, etc.)?
06. How can this help me make money?
07. How can it work for everyone?
08. You have a new book coming out, “The Love Book: Let the Other Person Have It Your Way.” Can you tell us about the book.


About Larry Crane and the Release Technique

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