Affiliate Program

Brand New Release Now Earn 40% on the New Digital Release Technique Product and Bundle Product!

We now offer our new Improved Digital Online Course or a Bundle of the digital product along with the CD set and you get a 40% commission on this two new digital product.

(Retreats, Retreat packages, 90-Day programs, Live Classes, TeleConferences are excluded.)

Earn 17% for every sale that you refer to our site

How would you like to make a decent income on a part time basis while helping other people improve their lives. Join The Release® Technique (Releasing) affiliate program today and make all your dreams come true.

The Release® Technique (Releasing) is a specific method of releasing stress and developing clarity in your life. By using this method, a person can become clear enough so they can see solutions that otherwise have escaped them, improve their play in games of concentration, help work through problem relationships, focus better on goals, lose weight, get better sleep, and improve their overall health.

This is where you come in. If you have a web site and want to make some extra money, you can offer The Release® Technique (Releasing) to your web site visitors. If they click on your link and purchase the program, you will get a 17% commission on the sale. There are many different programs to buy, but the most popular is the Release Technique® and to sell just one would give you a commission of $47.43.

Join our affiliate program in a few simple steps. We provide you with a variety of banners, buttons, and text links to choose from. Simply add these links to your web site, email, and/or newsletter. You will earn cash every time you refer a visitor to our site that buys any of our self-improvement titles. The more people that you direct to our site, the more money you can earn.

Plus you can make a difference in that you will know that every one who comes to our site will be gaining valuable information on how to improve their lives.

As an affiliate of the Release Technique® program, you will not be left hanging. We are available to help you in promoting your site with tips and tools. Even if you are a beginner, you can make money if you apply some effort.

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Abundance Course Products

Two Options to Learn the Abundance Course

Abundance Course CD Set – $279

Online Home Study Course – $199