
Shifra Hendrie

I have never yet been closer to real freedom within myself, and I am understanding life and my own true nature on deeper levels as I go. I feel that I have found a missing link, not just to healing, but to understanding the core principles of Divinity and the Coming Era– and to transmuting the “human condition” at its core…and that most amazing process continues to unfold. You’ll be hearing a lot from me about this in the future…

-Shifra Hendrie
Quantum Healing and Soul

Alexander Loyd

Bestselling author of The Healing Code
Larry Crane is a fabulous human being. His Release Technique will dramatically improve your profits and your performance levels. It enables you to rid yourself of any negative emotions easily and painlessly and puts you in touch with your most successful self. It’s like a positive energy two-by-four between the eyes.

-Dr. Alexander Loyd, N.D., Ph.D
Bestselling author of The Healing Code

Joe Vitale

Bestselling author of “The Attractor Factor” and “Zero Limits”
“The Release Technique is a highly effective tool for verifiably eliminating the subconscious blocks that keep you from attracting what you want out of life.

If you are searching for a way to achieve your money, health and relationship goals faster and with far less effort, I highly recommend you pick up this remarkable course.”

Norman Vincent Peale

Author, “The Power of Positive Thinking”
“The power to live with joy and victory,” says Norman Vincent Peale, “is available to you and me. This power can lead you to a solution to your problems, help you to meet your difficulties successfully and fill your heart with peace and contentment.”

“The Release Technique is a great contribution to the field of human helpfulness.”

Tom Hopkins

Founder, Tom Hopkins International
“The Release Technique will give you a tool to make your life, your career, and your relationships better…and better. Things started to improve right away for the people in my class. But even with all that, I wouldn’t recommend their training unless I were convinced that it would have direct benefit to you: that it would help you to be a happier, more successful human being; that it would give you another tool for becoming all that you can be—A CHAMPION.”

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