

In 1952, after being sent home by his doctors to die, Lester realized two TRUTHS that literally saved his life. The first was that his own feelings were the cause of all his problems, and not the world or the people in it, as he had previously thought. He also realized his own feelings were what he had struggled so hard and long against. And this struggle was what had destroyed his health and caused him to suffer in every way.

The second truth he discovered was that he had the inborn ability to let go of his feelings. He discovered how to completely discharge them and their negative influences from his life. Instead of struggling with them by suppressing, coping and venting as he had previously done, he discovered how to totally release them. This put an end to his struggle! He found permanent happiness. And, he found the more he released his feelings, the happier and healthier he became. In fact, within three months he was completely well, and he stayed well for over 40 more years!

Lester discovered something else—every aspect of his life got better, too. A short time later, he became a millionaire!

You know from your own experience, that when too many negative feelings build up in you, you feel anxious, uncomfortable, and unhappy. The first thing you’ll try to do is to get away from them. You’ll do this by suppressing them (hiding them from yourself is the worst thing you can do), coping with them (trying to escape their effects by various means), or by venting them.


Believe me, handling your feelings in any of these ways won’t give you what you want. You will remain trapped, unhappy and limited because the negative effects of your feelings are still in you, building up inside and hurting you, by destroying your health and keeping you from your happiness, even though you may not be aware of them.

What you really want and need is what you’ve lost sight of. That is, you already have the ability to completely discharge your negative feelings and regain your energy, your passion and your power. This is the only way to the happiness, peace and successful life you’ve been longing for.

And, you can discover this ability to live a successful life by following Lester’s simple “how to” instructions. We call it The Release Technique. It’s so easy to do, without any magic or mystery. You’ll be pleasantly surprised! And, you don’t have to read books, meditate or memorize any complicated formulas to do so.

By reading on you will discover your natural ability to handle whatever life throws at you. You will discover that you can get rid of everything that hurts, all your fears, all your burdens, all your disappointments, and when you get rid of enough of them you’ll find yourself, as Lester did and as others have, happy, peaceful and capable of doing whatever you want, regardless of your situation or circumstance.


In fact, what the use of this ability can do for you is totally unlimited. It can be applied to any problem and every situation. It truly gives you the one single solution you’ve been searching for. You can learn about the many benefits you will gain from taking this course, by clicking the this link: Why It’s Vital to Discover this Ability Within Yourself.
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