Spirituality Testimonials

Clearing Stress and Negativity to Find Positivity and Improvement

“I heard Larry Crane on The Wisdom Show and it caught my attention. I listened to a replay and released along with Larry on the call and felt lighter, more at peace and happier.  I bought The Abundance Course and worked with it starting August and released more and more and finished it on September. I was diagnosed with Lou Gehrigs Disease aka ALS in 2002 and left my job in June 2011, so I have health issues and money issues that I want to release. I am happier, more at peace, hove noticed physical improvement in my body.  My voice/speech is improving, I am able to walk better and I am building muscle.
I learned that when I clear/release stress, negativity and limiting beliefs my body will heal itself more than 2 years when I learned another method.  I have been clearing/releasing using many methods to clear my negativity and I have seen improvement but was still frustrated and negative.  The Release Technique is so much more than the other methods.  Even though I was clearing issues, I was still disapproving of and beating up my body.  I love the Release Technique, if we learned this as children we wouldn’t have so many of the problems that we all have.
I still have issues to release, so I am doing the Health & Fitness Mastery Course and The Change your Life Course.”

A Spiritual Technique That Works Every Single Time

“Last Friday I was listening to the Bonus clean up sessions recordings for more than seven hours in a row. Each time I went deeper and deeper. Lost track of time and body sensory perceptions. I felt so much calmness, peace and joy. My heart was rejoicing every time I decided to run the recordings over and over again.

Now every time I decide to listen to these recording again, I feel like a kid going to the candy store! 

This is the first time for me after more than thirty years of spiritual search that a spiritual technique works every time no matter how I may feel

Thank you Larry, thank you Lester for bringing to me this tool of liberation of my own ignorance.”

With much love and gratitude,

Daily Life Changes

“The inner gains keep coming almost every other day I practice the technique and/or listen to the recordings! Pieces of negativity I carried for years are being let go almost daily. Unworthiness, shame, fear, feelings of inadequacy and not good enough are being left behind. Breaks through that I always dreamed to happen to me are becoming a reality.
My friends are asking me what’s going on with me because they see a changes in my personality, they see me more cheerful and happy; I also feel lighter and happier and am making jokes about things that used to bother me.
While I was doing the course received the news from EDD informing me that my unemployment benefits were extended. It was an expected gain but a gain anyways.
My life is changing, I can see it, I can feel it. I want to thank you Larry and also to Lester for making this change possible in my life! I already ordered the Goals-Resistance course and am looking forward to let go more and more of what is not the real me.
Take good care and I am looking forward to a seminar where you may work personally with me.”

Allowing My Goals to Become Reality with Ease

“I just recently revisited the Goals and Resistance course. I immediately set one of my goals as, “I allow myself to have perfect health at all times with ease.” Since setting that goal a few weeks ago and releasing daily on it I have lost 15 pounds and my pains, especially in my knees, keep getting continually better to the point where they have almost disappeared. 

I also released on allowing myself to have $1,000 or more by releasing only. I got a $2.00/hour raise at my contracting job  which translates to about an extra $320.00 per month. On top of that, I was just told by my company they would give me a check at year end for just over $2,000. Totally out of the blue. So now I’m kicking that up to $5,000. 

Once I’m finished with the course I will move on to the “What I want to be when I grow up course” which I already have and really look forward to. 
I find the key is to continually release and drop the wanting. Just a few nights ago I woke up at 2:00 am with a strong clutching in my stomach.
I began hearing Larry’s words about letting go of wanting and to be imperturbable.

I made an immediate and determined decision right there and then that I was going to be imperturbable and loving no matter what happens. And that I wanted that more than wanting approval, control, or safety. Almost immediately after making the decision my feelings started leaving and continued leaving and I just kept giving my loving approval the entire time. After a few minutes I started smiling and laughing and then rolled over and slept like a baby for the rest of the night.”

With much love and gratitude,
Mike Manjin

Gaining Abundance with Effortless Ease Through the Release Technique

“More and more I am having my intention for this Financial Freedom & Lifestyle Course: I ALLOW MYSELF TO BE IMPERTURBABLE AT ALL TIMES AND HAVE AN ABUNDANT LIFE WITH EASE.
Thank you for your laser-like focus on giving every participant every opportunity to work with you, to directly experience letting go of wanting…and immediately having  approval, control, safety/security/survival. It was a great help to me to work along with those willing to work with you.
Thank you for adding the extra exercises from The Programs Course exercises on July 10, 2012. The tipping point for me came when I heard Omer reporting his gains from using the extra exercises.  While reading my operating programs in AGFLAPCAP from bottom to top on my completed exercise forms for IMPERTURBABILITY (total freedom), ABUNDANCE, RELATIONSHIPS, TOTALLY OPEN, HAVINGNESS, SELFLESSNESS, ALL LOVING, HARMONY, ALL POSITIVE, LEADERSHIP TOTAL CAUSE, (rather than effect) and RELEASING I started dissolving into causeless joy when I read my operating programs in Apathy and continued to dissolve all the Emotion programs as ridiculously silly comedy routines. 
The Release Technique is now for me a truly easy, effortless and fun way to have an abundant life with ease.  Sign me up for doing every Six Step dance event from now until there’s no one to do the dance..
Love to All.” – Dennis

3 Days to a Truly Better Life

“In just three days of being on this course, I have begun to see a ray of hope of being able to release an INTENSE anxiety and suffering I have been facing in past months. I had always been releasing but had been “chipping away” at my feelings.  However recently, I started to experience the fear of dying and also a lashout at that, an anger and wanting to kill. I’ve always been a very loving and successful person, so these feelings are quite a surprise for me and have been extremely hard to face and deal with.  They’re also not something my “chipping away” method is working on.

My doctor wanted to give me medication to control the panic attacks and depression I’ve been feeling. But I’ve been able to manage it on my own – using yoga, homeopathic medication, meditation, good food, exercise, astrological remedies, and of course Releasing.

This call has been a lifesaver for me! Until now, things have been manageable to a certain extent, but this 30-day teleconference course has given me such tremendous support and tools that in just three days, I have excelled through emotions that would have kept me stuck and in intense pain and suffering. Now I am starting to be able to do things, with a confidence that I can get past this.

The best part is that Larry is SO accepting.  I was afraid to admit that I was feeling such things, but Larry’s immediate acceptance and loving help with it has made all the difference. It has allowed me to open up and accept the feelings within myself, which means they can finally be released.

I still have more to go, but this course has been a tremendous, tremendous support for me. I don’t know what I would do without it.

Thank you Larry… you may have saved my life.”


Being LOVE – The Only Energy

“I experienced a priceless insight early this AM while doing Adv/Dis to finding the perfect partner – I was releasing on the first feeling and I had a total shift in consciousness – I saw how ego twisted real LOVE (imperturbability) that underlies everything into wanting – Imperturbability is like an explosion of love re-joining the two seeming divisive energies of having and wanting – there is only ONE energy – that of LOVE.
During my releasing of wanting it morphed to having which is a letting go of duality – a shift in consciousness.

Ego (me) built a huge fortress around it and called it wanting and all the nonsense that comes with it.
I consciously chose imperturbability (love) – and then experienced lots of laughter through tears of joy with tons of spontaneous releasing – here’s the kicker – this time, unlike four years ago, I was prepared for the ego.  I remembered something Larry said last night about Step 6 – I  kept letting go and asking “Could it get any better” and it did.
I had hugh amounts of energy in my bod – felt like a transformer- had to get up and move- kept releasing- kept getting better- sent out the endless love to the ends of the earth- finally sat down – peace enveloped me- kept releasing- the top of my head opened and dark clouds of thought kept pouring out-
I became the energy of real LOVE (imperturbability), Oneness,  which translates on this earth to Living In A Sea Of Having without the thought of it – HAVING IT ALL – then the concrete coffin surrounding my heart dissolved to reveal my true nature.
All of this after the opening session of the 30 day FF course – it’s humbling and a big WOW for me.
Thank you so much Larry and all your staff for doing what you do.”
Kathleen Unruh

The Shifting Experience

“A realization gain on the call today is a feeling that my whole world has opened up. I loved the “what is stopping my abundance” exercise. One of the goals I have been releasing on (replacing the keeping the house goal since I have that) is “I am Free already.” Today’s releasing opened my eyes to some little things that have happened recently that are a hint of what is about to come into being. I am in a space right now where not only can I allow them to happen, I welcome them. I had this “shifting” experience during the call where I could see and feel my entire goal list move from wanting to having, one right after the other similar to the domino effect. I can peacefully accept that!

I have no issue with the word “work” and when I use it, it generally means that which I do that is within my purpose of being here and that which makes all else surrounding me cease to exist while I am doing it. For lack of a better explanation. This happens with my work associated with accounting systems training and the work with the horses, among other things. I also had some insights into the healing work I was doing with one of the horses this morning before today’s call, related to wanting and having a certain level of healing to occur, and how best to help the horse to release and regain health.
My beloved Arabian gelding, Suggy, at age 34, transitioned to spirit with the Spring Solstice. I felt no grief with his passing, which was such surprise to me at the time. It has been and continues to be an experience of oneness. He is now helping me with other horses healing as I helped him in ways that I did not know at the time during our time together. Personally, I know we both helped each other to heal on many levels.”

Love, Peace, Happiness,
Ellen Brockway

Finding Harmony Within Myself

“Thank you and for all of the amazing work being offered in the current Weight Loss and Health course. This class has helped me face deeper issues related to my weight and health.  So much freedom became available to me in redoing this course.  Working on the resistance exercises, and the exercise on being thin has greatly helped me to see what I was holding onto.  Now feel much more comfortable in my body. 
Several years ago (because of releasing) reduced my weight by 80 pounds after pregnancy.  My cholesteral levels had also dropped more than 200 points.   And although these gains were significant accomplishments at the time, other insecurities remained.  In redoing this course, I found that I was still holding onto issues of my former heavier image.  For the first time ever can appreciate my own weight-loss success story.  The need for protecting myself with fear, anguish and pride is no longer running. 
Facing deeper layers of resistance about my weight and body image has given me a tremendous opportunity to let go of limitations that weren’t serving my highest good.  In doing this coursework I really made the decision to embrace being imperturbable about my weight.  Also became imperturbable about several past health issues (hospitalizations and other issues related to previously working in a hospital setting).  Addressed the pattern of losing/regaining the same 15-20 pounds.  Issues that were previously uncomfortable to face have transformed into acceptance.  AGFLAP and past stories are less bothersome. 
Although my weight hasn’t changed much during this course, I’m perfectly Ok with the triumphs that were accomplished.  The focus of going for imperturbability more than a number on the scale has helped me in a big way.  Honestly feel the remaining weight will resolve itself.  Really focused on cleaning up on issues related to numbers (the number on the scale, dates and time, etc.).  There is no more pressure to succeed. 
Other victories include:  My completion has improved.  Pain in my shoulder, legs, wrist and heart are no longer there.  Breathing is more comfortable.  Stretch marks appear to be less visible (or perhaps I’m just less bothered by them).  I never worked on any of these issues directly — so these are really tremendous gains!  Found several programs about making mistakes and just released them.  Feel more loving towards myself.  My relationship with my body and food is becoming more in harmony. 
Just know that all these victories are significant to other areas in my life.  Thanks so very much for re-offering this course!”
With Much Love,

A Miracle

“There is such a miracle happening I have to tell you about it…I’m in awe.

I’ve been releasing on Gerry (former husband who had the stroke, lost most of his vision, a lot of memory and judgment, etc…). He’s at an assisted living facility. As I release on him so I feel nothing but love for him, no worry….he is healing. It’s a miracle. His thoughts are straightening out and today he told me that half the pain in his body is gone. He has the method and I told him to release too…he can, but it’s hard for him…so I keep releasing on him…feeling only love for him, no worry,  and he’s making gains others thought were impossible…Day by day he’s becoming clearer…last night he played the piano for me. Beautifully. He;s writing poetry too… I’m in complete awe. I’m releasing constantly on him now…and I can’t and won’t stop.”

Love to you and blessings,

Letting Go of Disapproval

“I showed signs of restless leg syndrome.  I kept up all nights crying.  Could not even sit up.  I was forced to walk up and down all night.  My doctor gave me meds to be taken two hours before bedtime and told me that I would have to take the meds all my life.  I decided to keep the meds aside and work with my release technique.   I released all nights.   As I let go disapproving my symptoms, and sent it approval, I found my symptoms fading.  Within two to three weeks all my symptoms were gone.  The release technique really works. Thank you release technique.” – Manju Matta

Finds the true meaning of Happiness

“Had some breakthroughs over the last couple days from going deeper than ever on releasing fear. I brought up every fear I could imagine and even more came up as I released. When I got stuck or overwhelmed I’d say to myself, I’m gonna let go of every ounce of fear even if it kills me first. That decision seemed to take my releasing to the next level. Today I went out and about with my best friend and we had the most beautiful afternoon, it was like I walking in a happy dream wherever we went. The loving, free feeling I tapped into was hard to describe. I just felt a radiating positivity that seem to affect everyone around me. Something clicked today, and I know without a shadow of a doubt that the happy feeling inside is what we are looking for, not the outer conditions. There’s nothing that tops it. As you say, “happiness is not in a green piece of paper.” or anything for that matter, it’s in us. I couldn’t be happier finding the Release Technique. I’m in awe of the power of releasing.I can’t believe more people aren’t doing this. I guess we have to live out our subconscious garbage until we’re ready to let it go. My life is transforming before my eyes and I’m letting it go and allowing it to get even better.” – Jeff

Radiating Positivity From Within

“I’ve had some breakthroughs over the last couple days from going deeper than ever on releasing fear.
I like to use your exercise, ‘what’s the worse that could happen to you’ while listening to your releasing audio on getting rid of fear and worry.

During the last few days I brought up every fear I could imagine and even more that came up as I released. I just put my head down and let them leave one after another…
When I got stuck or overwhelmed I’d say to myself, “I’m gonna let go of every ounce of fear even if it kills me first.” That decision seemed to take my releasing to the next level. Today after I did a few more release sessions, I went out and about with my best friend and we had the most beautiful afternoon, it was like I walking in a happy dream wherever we went.

The loving, free feeling I tapped into was hard to describe. I just felt a radiating positivity that seem to affect everyone around me.

Here’s an example:
There was this little girl at the store being pushed around in a cart by her grandma. She waved at me and began smiling so brightly at me, it was like looking at the sun. Then she started playing peekaboo around the clothes racks smiling and waving at me when she saw me. I was just standing there, doing nothing really but she kept looking at me with a radiating smile… like a magnet of light and love that was hard to turn away from. I’ve never had anything like that happen to me. I just smiled and waved back. I know that kids are close the source, so she must have been feeling the love, and just mirrored it back to me.
I got a taste of what Lester and you have been talking about. And it is hard to put words to.

Something clicked today, and I know without a shadow of a doubt that the happy feeling inside is what we are looking for, not the outer conditions.
There’s nothing that tops it. As you say, “happiness is not in a green piece of paper” – or anything for that matter, it’s in us.

I couldn’t be happier finding the Release Technique. I’m in awe of the power of releasing.
I can’t believe more people aren’t doing this. I guess we have to live out our subconscious garbage until we’re ready to let it go.
My life is transforming before my eyes and I’m letting it go and allowing it to get even better.”

Thank you my friend.

Keeping Calm

“Just to let you know of my experience of 3 weeks of doing the Abundance Course. I have several areas of arthritis, in my foot, left hip and also starting in the right hip, as well as sciatica in my left leg. Since I started the course, the arthritis is receding day by day and I have stopped taking the painkillers for the sciatica. There are also some other aches and pains which are clearing up. The releasing has enabled me to become more calm and in control of my emotions. In fact last week when I had a major problem with my computer, I was amazingly able to stay calm throughout the problem (about 4 or 5 hours) until it was solved. Previously I would have been screaming and shouting, and not accomplishing too much. I have listened to all the CD’s and am starting at the beginning again. I’m finding that the more I delve into the mind, the more I find to let go.”

With gratitude,
Ian Stead

Gaining by Non-Stop Loving and Approving

“I’ve been giving myself love and approval non-stop for several weeks now and thought I would share some gains with you.
-I usually hate the first day back after holidays – today I feel great! GAIN!
-I used to hate my Vice Principal. I sent her love and approval and she got transferred to another campus. GAIN!
-Kids who are difficult for other teachers are great with me. GAIN!
-I used to drink alcohol every day. I haven’t touched it for 15 months now and never will. GAIN!”

Letting Go and Approving of the Present

“Yesterday when I was driving over a two lane bridge there were two cars on the bridge coming toward me in the opposite lane. 
The second car decided to pass the first so I was suddenly faced with a car heading straight for me in my lane with nowhere for me to move out of the way.
I slammed on my brakes but instead of slowing down, the driver of the car that was trying to pass sped up to see if she could make it around the first car before she ran into me.
I was in release and really happy while I was driving before I ever got on that bridge, but, as soon as I realized what was happening, I slammed on my brakes, and I simultaneously felt the whole front of my body open up.

I was not conscious of any fear, and I had no thoughts whatsoever…my mind was simply processing data…distance, speed, space, and time.
The other driver did pull back into her lane and out of mine in plenty of time for all involved to be safe.
I was conscious of having about 1% of disapproval for the driver of the car that was trying to pass as I waved to her to say, “OK,” as our cars went by each other. I then let that disapproval go. Whenever the picture of the story came up, I released it and asked myself, “Can it get any better? Can I let go and find out?”
I also let the picture go as being in the past.
The best part of the gain is my gratitude for my reaction compared to what it would have been before I started releasing.
This is another graphic demonstration of how much progress I have made in my life thanks to the release technique.
Thanks so much to everyone who does this work that lifts all of us up, especially my mentor and Larry and all the masters.

Lets Go of Self-hatred

“Hi Larry, I am taking the love yourself course. Did the mirror exercise for an hour this morning and I feel like I am flying! Wow! I let go of a lot of self-hatred and filled myself with love More to do but I am facing some of my deepest garbage.” – R.K.

True Peace

“From Friday morning when she picked me up until Sunday afternoon when I was dropped off, my wife and I had a delightful harmonious driving trip and visit with our children, our son-in-law, and each other during the Easter Weekend.  During the visit I also had exquisite periods of tranquility, serenity, beauty and oneness while jogging with our daughter’s dog in the valley near their home, while watching our grandson and son-in-law fly remote control planes at a lakeside park, while visiting with our eldest granddaughter and her boyfriend as she showed off her just purchased prom dress and photos of the site she had selected for her prom, while tagging along with my son-in-law and his friend on their Saturday morning pleasure flights to two central Texas towns, while my daughter and I mopped her kitchen and dining areas, while our son, our son-in-law and I visited and watched the grandson interact with his life-long airport neighbors and friends, and while my wife and I cleaned up the kitchen and put away the leftovers of the celebratory meal.
Except for a couple of  moments, six months and two years ago, I have never before known such peace, at-onement, no-otherness.” – Dennis Hartnett

Courageness, Acceptace, Peace

“Over the last few months my parents’ dog’s health was declining.  I was very close to him.  On Friday my Dad called to say he probably didn’t have long.  I began to release on huge amounts of negative emotions and decided to use this opportunity to release as much as I could around my fear of dying.  I stayed with him a few hours on Friday and Saturday and found him passed on when I arrived Sunday.

Throughout the ordeal I released as best I could, including my memories of other pet deaths I’ve been through.  There were many times that I felt overwhelmed with negative emotions.  On Monday morning I felt empty and dissociated.  By Monday afternoon I felt pretty normal and I felt happiness thinking about him and neutral on my images of him as he struggled to hold on.

I’ve still got some releasing to do on the experience, but I know that without using The Release Technique I would have felt devastated, depressed, and numb; stuck right down in Apathy, Fear, and Grief.  Instead I’m in CAP.”

Tobie McMaster

Releasing helps grieving process

“Over the last few months my parents’ dog’s health was declining. I was very close to him. On Friday my Dad called to say he probably didn’t have long. I began to release on huge amounts of negative emotions and decided to use this opportunity to release as much as I could around my fear of dying. I stayed with him a few hours on Friday and Saturday and found him passed on when I arrived Sunday.Throughout the ordeal I released as best I could, including my memories of other pet deaths I’ve been through. There were many times that I felt overwhelmed with negative emotions. On Monday morning I felt empty and dissociated. By Monday afternoon I felt pretty normal and I felt happiness thinking about him and neutral on my images of him as he struggled to hold on. I’ve still got some releasing to do on the experience, but I know that without using The Release Technique I would have felt devastated, depressed, and numb; stuck right down in Apathy, Fear, and Grief. Instead I’m in CAP.” – T.M.

Abundance Course Products

Two Options to Learn the Abundance Course

Abundance Course CD Set – $279

Online Home Study Course – $199