Spirituality Testimonials

Floating to Freedom

“I just finished listening to the the first (1a Introduction) CD of my recently delivered Release Technique set and — well, it’s everything I could imagine and hope for!  ALREADY!!!   THANK YOU isn’t enough. I gotta tell you!  Just that short start was so glorious, I seemed to be in another world.  When I’d done the releasing (used the window) I felt like I was almost floating.  Then I started laughing, chuckling. There wasn’t anything funny going on. I just felt, feel, so GOOD!  My life has been ROUGH for some time, in many areas.  I’m telling friends about this. The whole world needs it. And when the whole world GETS it, it will be a different world we live in. It will be GLORIOUS! I’m so excited to get to the next CD.  BLESS YOU, LARRY!” – Anara Brinmere

My Heartfelt Gratitude

“A thank you seems inadequate to appreciate the gift of releasing.
Yesterday I attended a karaoke party for a friend, never being to one before, I found myself singing all the songs through beingness, my voice was strong, dynamic and powerful.  I haven’t ever sung some of the songs, didn’t know some of them and sang them anyway.  I experienced witnessing/beingness through me.  My friends and I were amazed.  It feels like love working through me, the joy is inexplicable.  I am moved to tears many times through the days, feeling so much gratitude it feels like breath or air.  My sleeping patterns have been just a few hours a night, yet experiencing incredible energy and clear thinking during the day.  Every day seems serendipitous with people meeting me, appearing at the perfect time to meet every my every desire.
I have been working with a few goals the last week:
-I allow myself to do absolutely nothing but release and live an abundant joyful life with ease by releasing only.
-I allow myself to experience divine companionship and love with ease by releasing only.
-I allow myself to have a million dollars or more by releasing only.
-I allow myself to have a new, white Mercedes SL550 AMG by releasing only
-I allow myself to be my perfect weight and have a healthy, vibrant body with ease by releasing only.
Any recommendations you have would be appreciated.  I am experiencing new, never felt emotions and realizing it’s all a movie that I am directing.”

In love and Appreciation,
Cynthia Collins

Loving Myself and Gaining Love From Everyone Else

“I am soooo glad to be in the Change your Life Telecourse – even after this first weekend, I am experiencing so much more peace of mind!
I am more aware when the ego tells me to beat myself up – in other words, I am able to catch the thoughts and/or discern the body ache and let go of disapproving of myself and give myself approval.

There are three men in my life, that have reacted differently since last weekend – they were doing one of the following actions: giving me a gift totally unexpected, talking very respectful with me or doing me a favor, that I had asked for long time ago and hadn’t even communicated to them….
Only because I am more loving of myself and others! WOW!!!

More Gains:
– I have sold my puppies really easily to some loving families.
– I got the following email from someone I am working with to get an auction going: “Thanks Christine! Your communication emails have been awesome. So positive, informational, and easy to read without being overly wordy. ”
– My dogs are way more calm and are listening better to my requests/commands – I noticed that I can speak with more authority and clarity without having any emotions involved.
– My son happily gives me hugs and says ‘I love you.”
– The other day I was doing the giving myself love and approval and all of a sudden I started speaking these words in German (my mother language) and it felt wonderful! Before I didn’t like saying any German words during my releasing.
– The sun is coming out, when I am going outside!
– I was arranging payments for my power bill – and the people I was talking with were all compassionate and very loving – so was I….
– I am enjoying doing the attachments and aversions … and discovered one that is coming up in all of them – “I know how to do this” and that is one that I am releasing next.
– I released my resistance to writing my blog and it was flowing out of my fingers onto the computer screen – I didn’t even feel tired.
– I was walking with my dogs and doing the general releasing, having had no breakfast – all of a sudden the hunger was flooding my body – so I said ‘Yes” to it and gave it my unconditional love and it left! I was able to go home and prepare a ‘late’ breakfast without being hungry….

Thank you, Larry, for these amazing calls! I am looking forward to the coming weekend!”

Love, Peace and Light,

Lets go of fear and remains safe from tornado

“I would like to share an amazing gain. This past Friday our area was hit multiple tornadoes. I watched everybody worrying all day about it so I decided to send it love and approval. The radar showed it was headed right for us and as the storm started the weather man said the storm had shifted and it didn’t come through our city. I had set a goal that allowed all my friends and family to be safe and to my amazement they all were missed by the storm. The other thing that happened was that as I was driving home and sitting at a light, the tornado sirens went off right next to me and the wind picked up so I started to panic. It took me minute to realize that this was a gold mine opportunity to let the fear go and that’s exactly what I did. Thank you for teaching us the release technique.” – M.H.

Finding Genuine Love, Peace, and Happiness

“The extension part of the course helped me to really clean up a lot of limiting programs. This entire Financial Freedom course has offered me the opportunity to release more and to let go of my wanting to be separate. I feel immensely lighter now that fear, resistance, and wanting are easier to face. In working on the various exercises I see that it is OK to just release whatever is coming up.  Witnessing is easier to achieve, feeling more in control, safer, and find that figuring it out is becoming less of a habit.
Recently spoke with someone in Canada and shared the method with her. In sharing with her I really noticed that I was sharing with myself. During this past weekI worked on several issues related to jury duty and other legal issues.  Worked on issues related to abandonment and the opposite which is receiving recognition.  These stories from the past truly seem just like stories and are no longer monumental issues.  While doing the the attachment and aversion to trusting, I was able to release anger and frustration without feeling angered or frustrated.  After doing this exercise, find there is more clarity to being able to trust myself.  In letting go of stories from the past, my body is now more comfortable. I’ve moved towards acceptance and peace in regards to previously challenged relationships. These relationships are healing.   
This work has helped me find love for myself!!!  This is joyful for me to be all loving. Thank you so much for showing me the way to finding peace and happiness!”
With Much Love,

Enjoys Peace & Harmony CD set

“Got the Peace & Harmony CDs yesterday morning, as soon as I got off the plane. THE BEST CLEAN-UPS CDS in ALL the bundles I have (and I have them all !). WOW. A GREAT TOOL to release on fear of dying, dropping the body, going for freedom, etc. The best one.” – J.G.

Release Technique helped her let go of the pain of infidelity in her marriage

“I’ve been a closet releaser for a few years now, starting and stopping the program many times because I had a lot of resistance to it and was checking out many self-help ideas. I had a lot of religious brainwashing to overcome. In the past few months I finally decided that the Release Technique was the way to go for me and I’ve been able to stick with just this one thing and drop all the others. It has really simplified my life and given me a lot of focus. Releasing was the one thing that finally helped me overcome a paralyzing problem that had been haunting me for 15 years. When I got married 15 years ago my husband had been intimate with 6 women and I was a virgin. Even though I had always hoped to marry someone who had saved themselves for me, it didn’t bother me that much because I was “in love” and probably suppressed my disappointment. As the years passed I became more and more attached to him, and his past with other women became a huge source of grief for me. I always felt sexual pressure from him which I greatly resented and I feared that he would cheat on me. I had a lot of anger and depression. It made my health and finances terrible. About six months ago I started telling him about all my fears and he decided to finally be radically honest with me. I found out that I got to be right about my fears and it was so much worse than I had imagined. He had betrayed me in many ways and had been hiding it all this time thinking it would be better if I didn’t know. It really tore me up. Then I started releasing again and I began to discriminate. I saw how sex and love were two different things and how I’d been confusing the two. I saw how attached I was to him and how much I was wanting his approval. I saw how that if I wanted to be happy I had to find it in my Self only. I saw how addicted my husband and I had been to sex/romance. It took me several months of releasing to get over the hatred and disgust that I had towards him and the other women. I was finally able to come to a place of not judging them and being able to love them unconditionally. I still have feelings come up occasionally but I feel more in control of them because I release them right away and they don’t run my life. This is a huge gain for me and I want to say thank you for all the work you’ve done in teaching the Release Technique and making this wonderful information available. I really appreciate it more than words can express.” – L.A.

Experiences significant improvement by taking the basic course again

“The first call of the Change Your Life course was fantastic! I decided before the course to forget everything I think I know about releasing, and allow myself to be a beginner. And wow, that was valuable! I saw everything in a fresh light, and during the call I was able to drop some very stuck things that kept reappearing before that. Apparently, there is no such a thing as beginner and advanced. It is always valuable to drop all the previous knowledge and start from scratch, and let go of being so smart – because it’s always much simpler than we think!” – O.G.

Finding Love and Approval Within Myself

“I’ve been a closet releaser for a few years now, starting and stopping the program many times because I had a lot of resistance to it and was checking out many self-help ideas. I had a lot of religious brainwashing to overcome. In the past few months I finally decided that the Release Technique was  the way to go for me and I’ve been able to stick with just this one thing and drop all the others.  It has really simplified my life and given me a lot of focus.  Releasing was the one thing that finally helped me overcome a paralyzing problem that had been haunting me for 15 years.  When I got married 15 years ago my husband had been intimate with 6 women and I was a virgin. Even though I had always hoped to marry someone who had saved themselves for me, it didn’t bother me that much because I was “in love” and probably suppressed my disappointment.  As the years passed I became more and more attached to him, and his past with other women became a huge source of grief for me. I always felt sexual pressure from him which I greatly resented and I feared that he would cheat on me. I had a lot of anger and depression. It made my health and finances terrible.

About six months ago I started telling him about all my fears and he decided to finally be radically honest with me.  I found out that I got to be right about my fears and it was so much worse than I had imagined. He had betrayed me in many ways and had been hiding it all this time thinking it would be better if I didn’t know. It really tore me up.  Then I started releasing again and I began to discriminate.  I saw how sex and love were two different things and how I’d been confusing the two.  I saw how attached I was to him and how much I was wanting his approval.  I saw how that if I wanted to be happy I had to find it in my Self only.  I saw how addicted my husband and I had been to sex/romance.  It took me several months of releasing to get over the hatred and disgust that I had towards him and the other women.  I was finally able to come to a place of not judging them and being able to love them unconditionally. I still have feelings come up occasionally but I feel more in control of them because I release them right away and they don’t run my life.  This is a huge gain for me and I want to say thank you for all the work you’ve done in teaching the Release Technique and making this wonderful information available. I really appreciate it more than words can express.” – Luana Arthur

Lets go of fear of public speaking

“I have loved every minute of the 30 Day calls and I am releasing all that I can that comes up. Looking over my intentions for the 30 Day course I can clearly see enormous gains: • “free from anxiety and constant worry and stress, especially on the job • And I am grateful for learning to release fear and sending love when speaking to large groups of people, which I have done several times in the last few weeks. • When I release disapproval it isn’t a bottomless pit anymore. Now there seems to be light as I release and I can switch to giving approval without resistance. Just feeling more peaceful in general.” – K.B.

Able to let material things go

“I learned the Release Technique in Amsterdam this year. After 4 weeks releasing my gain is being more peaceful. Not only am I cleaning up my mind but also my house! I realized I was also holding on all the material stuff and could not let go. I realize that everything I need, I have and all the rest, I can let go! Thank you so much!!” – C.W.

Averted a car accident by releaseing

“After signing up for the Financial Freedom course, I had a series of sales that were enough to pay for entire course. I was in the moment while driving… and saying I love you to thoughts coming up. I went to make a left hand turn from a light, and saw a car running the red light. I stopped… while the car next to me hit her. I was alert, obviously, by my pulse hardly jumped at all! I was totally calm and witnessed the situation… the glass flying…etc with a calm and focused presence.” – C.A.

Letting the Universe Love Me

“Background to a “Life Program”:
A few years ago when I was working on releasing a health problem, I uncovered a “Life Program.”  When I was very young (about 4 or 5), my mom and sister were jealous of me and hated me.  Every time I was joyful, they treated me horribly until I felt bad and then they’d be nice to me.  They were only nice and loving to me when I was sad or felt bad.  Because I was so young and they were my universe at the time, this translated into the universe hated me and wouldn’t allow me to be happy. And so the universe set about making sure I could never be happy.  Almost everytime I started to be happy and/or successful, a disaster would befall me:  a sledding accident, multiple car accidents (almost always the other person’s fault), suddenly got seriously ill and ended up in the hospital, my house burned down in a bizarre billion-to-one circumstance, sprained ankles, my car got stolen, etc.  Luckily I had some great friends who helped me through many of these disasters and they got a lot of chuckles out of some of them.
I signed up for the Financial Freedom Couse with the intention of having financial independence.  I mentally started the course a couple weeks before it actually began.  I diligently released generically by not bringing up any particular issue but by asking myself if I could let go of wanting control which would automatically bring up clutching anxiety feelings.  I alternated that with letting go of that lacking control feeling and wanting approval and that lacking approval feeling.  After about the second week of the course, I woke up one night in the wee hours and remembered I’d forgotten to feed the wild birds.  I went outside to the cherry tree where the bird feeder was.  It was a clear frozen night but it didn’t feel cold.  I looked up at the stars and the moon and saw Jupiter and another planet which I guessed was Mars.  I thought how pretty it all was and the sensation was the universe loved me and wanted to help me.  It wasn’t an Earth shattering revelation or even a feeling or thought, but just a knowing sensation. 
This was a huge gain for me. 
And a nice side effect is it proves what Lester said that If you let go of the wants, you’re letting go of everything. I rarely attempted to release this program because it was so creepy, but releasing generically got unexpected results.
Note: That trick of saying, “I unconditionally give you permission to leave” was especially helpful to me.  I notice sometimes a bigger chunk of resistance/clutching feeling leaves when I say that.”

Mari DeClements

Overcomes dissatisfaction

“While going through the 30-Day Financial Freedom & Lifestyle program, dissatisfaction kept surfacing telling me that if I’m dissatisfied it will motivate me to do better. So I did Attachments and Aversions to being dissatisfied. This quickly resulted in seeing that if I solve something I’ll feel better and won’t be as dissatisfied. This, however, is pointless as my my mind will always look for something to solve. So I asked if I could let the whole thing go. I kept letting go and soon this long held belief dissolved. Occasionally, it creeps back into my psyche but thanks to releasing am able to let it go quickly, opening the door to more freedom.” – P.G.

Best Course ever taken

“The Financial Freedom Course was the best course I’ve ever taken. I am releasing around the clock and there is always more I can do. The other gains keep piling up and I realize they are just the tip of the iceberg. Thank you so much!” – R.M.

Finds peace, is in a higher energy

“Every class has been awesome. Last night’s class topped them all. I was in peace pretty quickly and stayed there – kept releasing with everyone. It was fabulous to release from a higher energy, so much easier, and the peace just kept getting lighter. I woke up happy, too.” – Ariana

Dissolving Dissatisfaction

“Going through the 30-Day Financial Freedom & Lifestyle program, dissatisfaction kept surfacing telling me that if I’m dissatisfied it will motivate me to do better. So I did “Ay-Ays” (Attachments and Aversions) to being dissatisfied. This quickly resulted in seeing that if I solve something I’ll feel better and won’t be as dissatisfied. This, however, is pointless as my my mind will always look for something to solve. So I asked if I could let the whole thing go. What came up was I didn’t trust beingness to handle it. Nonetheless, I kept letting go and soon this long-held belief dissolved. Occasionally, it creeps back into my psyche but thanks to releasing I am able to let it go quickly, opening the door to more freedom.” -Pete Grossman

Is now happy all the time

“By listening to the Be Happy at all times audio set and using the Happiness exercise, all of my releasing is far easier with far less resistance. I’m feeling happy consistently now by being happy in spite of what’s going on or what people think of me.”

Repairs relationship with Father

“I was going to meet my father after quite some time. A lot of expectations and judgements came up – “”here he will go again with his ranting and raving” and so on. I released deeply in the hour before meeting him, and at a certain point, saw my ego as a whole coming up and showing itself. I decided to drop the ego to the trash, be myself, love and respect the other person – and the result was the best interaction I ever had with my father.” – O.G.

Has more energy

“Decided to be positive while trading, and was. Noticed I have been in a high energy doing this course and feeling very happy and energetic. I called the hotline and spoke with Jen about feeling stuck doing my programs releasing assignment. She helped me to release the tightness in my body, then we worked on my program. Felt very good about this. I felt so relieved after releasing that block. I paper traded today with confidence and won $600 and felt really happy. Giving myself approval for no reason. Feeling that I can do this!” – S.P.

Abundance Course Products

Two Options to Learn the Abundance Course

Abundance Course CD Set – $279

Online Home Study Course – $199