“I’ve been a closet releaser for a few years now, starting and stopping the program many times because I had a lot of resistance to it and was checking out many self-help ideas. I had a lot of religious brainwashing to overcome. In the past few months I finally decided that the Release Technique was the way to go for me and I’ve been able to stick with just this one thing and drop all the others. It has really simplified my life and given me a lot of focus. Releasing was the one thing that finally helped me overcome a paralyzing problem that had been haunting me for 15 years. When I got married 15 years ago my husband had been intimate with 6 women and I was a virgin. Even though I had always hoped to marry someone who had saved themselves for me, it didn’t bother me that much because I was “in love” and probably suppressed my disappointment. As the years passed I became more and more attached to him, and his past with other women became a huge source of grief for me. I always felt sexual pressure from him which I greatly resented and I feared that he would cheat on me. I had a lot of anger and depression. It made my health and finances terrible. About six months ago I started telling him about all my fears and he decided to finally be radically honest with me. I found out that I got to be right about my fears and it was so much worse than I had imagined. He had betrayed me in many ways and had been hiding it all this time thinking it would be better if I didn’t know. It really tore me up. Then I started releasing again and I began to discriminate. I saw how sex and love were two different things and how I’d been confusing the two. I saw how attached I was to him and how much I was wanting his approval. I saw how that if I wanted to be happy I had to find it in my Self only. I saw how addicted my husband and I had been to sex/romance. It took me several months of releasing to get over the hatred and disgust that I had towards him and the other women. I was finally able to come to a place of not judging them and being able to love them unconditionally. I still have feelings come up occasionally but I feel more in control of them because I release them right away and they don’t run my life. This is a huge gain for me and I want to say thank you for all the work you’ve done in teaching the Release Technique and making this wonderful information available. I really appreciate it more than words can express.” – L.A.