Eckhart Tolle, “A New Earth”, and The Release Technique

A message from Larry Crane:

Ever heard of Eckhart Tolle? If not, I’d be surprised! Eckhart Tolle, world renowned author of “The Power of Now”, is a frequent favorite of Oprah Winfrey, and has just finished his newest masterpiece. “A New Earth – Awakening Your Life’s Purpose” is an amazing and profound book on how easy it can be to live a life of peace and plenty.

I know what you’re thinking. “Oh, great – another positive mental attitude book – whoopee do!” I can’t blame you – it seems like similar books are released with startling frequency, only to disappear from sight a month or two later. And let’s be honest – while Eckhart Tolle’s book might be a tour de force lesson in changing your life for the better, chances are it will be forgotten as well – even though it offers a tremendous amount of wisdom and knowledge on living a better life.

Hey, I’m just being honest! You see, the problem is that a book alone cannot provide all the instruction and coaching necessary to effect real and positive change in your life – not even a book by Eckhart Tolle. Sure, books are helpful – but books are abstract, and life is as real as it gets!

That’s why we’ve spared no expense or effort is assembling our program. The Release Technique is a real-world, hands-on training course that provides everything you need to take control of your life and let go of the powerful emotions, anxieties, and doubts that are holding you back.

The Release Technique was originally developed over fifty years ago by a talented physicist and engineer, Lester Levenson, who used it to obliterate the sorrow and pain in his life, and enter a state of peace and serenity – and he did it in just three short months. This is quite a feat, since Lester really had no idea at all what he was doing!

But, as The Release Technique shows, sometimes book knowledge gets in the way. Eliminating fear, doubt, and anger requires a primal connection with the self – an awareness that transcends academic study. By properly tapping into the inner self, we’ve seen some of our members who live a life of hectic anxiety and stress “go free” in just a few weeks!

Far from outlandish, The Release Technique has been scientifically verified by Dr. David McCelland of Harvard University, and Dr. Richard Davidson of the State University of New York.

Dr. John L. Kemeny, previous associate of Albert Einstein, also endorses The Release Technique – and also happens to be one of our members! People from all walks of life are realizing the power and simplicity of the Release Technique, and we’ve had some of the most successful financial giants on the planet join our program as well. And, of course, thousands of regular people like you and me.

Living a life of peace and bliss isn’t impossible – not by a longshot. With The Release Technique, you can attract what you really want in life, and let go of all the negative energy that’s been holding you back.

We look forward to welcoming you into our program!

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