Get On Track with All Your 2025 Resolutions…
It’s time to make 2025 the year you finally transform your life. Whether you’re aiming to lose weight, land your dream job, achieve financial freedom, meet your soulmate, or create the life you've always dreamed of—this course will guide you through it all using the powerful Release Technique, combined with the power of accountability.
Imagine This:
- Finally losing that stubborn weight and transforming your body effortlessly.
- Landing your dream job or starting a career that aligns with your passion.
- Breaking free from financial stress and achieving true financial freedom.
- Improving your relationships or meeting your soulmate.
- Living a life of abundance, balance, and happiness—the life you've always wanted.
Introducing: The Accountability Mastery Course
In this amazing course, you will have a dedicated mentor to take you step-by-step through proven Release Technique principles, helping you release the blocks that have been holding you back from achieving your biggest goals. With the support of accountability partners and expert guidance from your mentor, you'll finally gain the tools and strategies needed to create lasting, life-changing results in every area of your life.
This course isn’t just about setting goals—it’s about achieving them.
Finally start getting the BIG gains like you see others reporting…
If you want to experience maximum “uplift” in all areas of your life… and FEEL BETTER about yourself than you ever have before – you have to
Get rid of negative thinking that clouds your vision and pulls you down
That’s the KEY right there.
So how do you clear negative (limited) thinking from your own mind?
You should already know the answer to that… it’s by Releasing.
Releasing (AKA: The Release Technique) clears away negative (limited) thinking FASTER than anything else you can do.
But guess what?
There is Another “Extra” SECRET to achieving great results with Releasing…

This “extra” secret is what separates those who use the Release Technique to achieve BIG gains, compared to than those who don’t…
Do you know what it is?
This “extra” secret to achieving BIG gains through Releasing is…
Only through MOMENTUM of Releasing will you get the MAXIMUM positive “uplift” in your life…
Only through MOMENTUM of Releasing will you get the BIG gains from Releasing that you read about…
Momentum in your releasing is so, so important.
You could think of it as the “M-Factor”.
You see…
It’s not enough to release here and there.
It’s not enough to release sometimes and not other times.
It’s not enough to release this week and not next week.
Sure, any releasing you do (no matter how small or sporadic) IS beneficial.
But the real BIG results from releasing — the BIG gains — come from
MOMENTUM of releasing.
Only when you have MOMENTUM in your releasing can you fulfill your true potential in anything.
Just like an airplane needs momentum to get off the ground and into the air.
You need momentum in your releasing to get you “above” all your problems and upsets.
Momentum of releasing puts “air” between you and all the limitations that pull you down and keep you stuck in life.
Momentum is KEY.
Which is why the 90-Day Accountability Mastery Program is all about working closely with you to build-up MAXIMUM momentum in your Releasing (targeting your Releasing to whatever problems you want to overcome or goals you want to achieve).
For the 90 days, you are also part of an accountable community of releasers keeping you motivated and on track.
Altogether, this momentum, community support and accountability…
Puts you on a fast-track, straight-path to BIG gains in your life.
You become like a jet-propelled guided-missile toward whatever goals you set for yourself.
This is the way good things happen FAST for you.
And with this combination of daily Releasing and MOMENTUM you become literally unstoppable.
You get MAXIMUM positive “uplift” in your life.
In all areas of your life.
You feel better about yourself.
You feel better about your life.
You suddenly see potential and opportunities where before you could only see problems and obstacles.
You experience the joy of your Being as your natural state – irrespective of whatever is going on in the external world.
You also become extremely effective in the world.
You exude the power of presence in everything you do.
All this and more becomes your day-to-day “reality”.
Where you are in your life currently just doesn’t matter.
Whether you are down, depressed, or lost all hope….
You can still disappear any problem and completely turn everything around in your life if you build up momentum in your releasing.
So, again, no matter how hopeless or stuck or beyond help you may feel at the moment…
This is where you get to “re-script” your future… and start living how you want to exist in this world…

Put simply:
This is your chance to become the person you’ve always had the potential to be.
Your chance to finally start fulfilling your destiny here in this lifetime.
Your chance to experience an abundant way of living that so few people ever get to experience.
All of this is possible for you…
Through the 90-Day Accountability Mastery Program
This is the course that attracts the most successful releasers.
All the most successful releasers understand how important momentum is to their success and results.
It’s why successful releasers do whatever they can to plug themselves into a course where they get daily targeted-releasing and accountability.
Why not come and be one of them?
After all, nothing else can positively impact your life in such a short period of time as the 90-Day Accountability Mastery Program.
Bottom line:
The rapid-momentum you get from the 90-Day Accountability Mastery Program gives you so much “uplift” in your life.
It truly does put you on a fast-track straight-path to BIG gains in your life.
So, again…
Why not come and join us on the 90-Day Accountability Mastery Program and experience for yourself the HUGE “uplift” in how you feel and how you exist in the world?
It will be the best decision of your life! Ever!

Exclusive Participant Benefits Include:
- 12-week one-of-a-kind interactive Tele-Course including 1 extra daily and weekly Tele-Course at a different time (so you actually get 24 weeks of calls in 12 weeks)
- Inspiring and Committed teachers sharing their unique guidance and perspective
- Archived recordings of the 12 week Tele-Course for playback at your convenience
- An all new, Ultra Powerful Workbook with custom designed exercises for freedom & life mastery
- A releasing partner for Synergy, Support and Accountability
- Daily 60 minute “CAP Calls” (Mon-Fri) to master CAP in your Day, Week & Life!
- Archived recordings of the “CAP Calls”
- Success Mentoring & Advanced Private Coaching
- a. Weekly accountability check-in with mentor by email with homework and gains
- b. Weekly (small group) conference call with your mentor
- c. Exclusive Direct Access to your mentor for unparalleled advance support – available ONLY to “Brand New 90-Day Accountability Mastery Program” participants
February 18 – May 16, 2025
Two Hour Weekly Telecourse/ Mentor Group Call
The program begins with the first weekly call on Tuesday, February 18th from 5:30pm - 7:30pm PT for the US.
For the European time, the first weekly call will begin on Wednesday, February 19h at 5:30pm - 7:30pm UK Time (which is 9:30 am - 11:30 am PT).
Note: Beginning on the second weekly call and through the rest of the 12 weeks, after the first hour, the call will breakout into mentor groups.
Daily CAP Calls
Mon–Fri at 7:30 am PT and 7:30 am UK Time.
The first UK CAP Call is Wednesday, February 19th at 7:30 am UK time (which is Tues 2/18 @11:30 pm PT).
The first US CAP is Wednesday, February 19th at 7:30 am PT.
So Here’s The Bottom Line…
If You Are Ready To Make 2025 The Best Year Of Your Life…
Join The 90-day Accountability Mastery Program So You Can Have The Power To Master Your Life.
And you won’t have to pay $25,000 like other courses charge.
And, because we’d like you to have freedom and gains that graduates worldwide are able to experience, we’re going to allow you to have the best offer we’ve ever made.
The New Super Deluxe Packages:
Coaching organizations typically charge $20,000 to $40,000 and UPWARDS for the kind of ongoing personal support and accountability coaching you get in the NEW Momentum Deluxe Packages – but you DON’T have to pay anywhere near that!

Here’s Just A Sample Of Gains From The 90-day Course
“I experienced so much love that sometimes it was too much to contain. I had a strong intention for the retreat to be myself all the time, and besides experiencing it a lot and being able to let go of my mind when I felt identifying with it, I realized the power of strong intentions. I dropped so many beliefs about myself and about the path to freedom, my mind is so much quitter and I can witness my thoughts and let them go with much more ease. My sense of having my goals so much deeper a big burn over for me was the mirror exercise, where I managed to sit 2 hours in front of the mirror and one experiences a spin, I just go back home and let all the disturbance go. Thank you very much for everything.” - Rivka Blum
“Getting deeper realization and understanding about releasing. Also, feeling lighter and more aware of all my AGFLAP moments. Experiencing deep peace and quiet more easily. Getting deeper insights on how to use the method effectively discovered that I was able to release on past memories of death of mother and sister to completion over the retreat period. Also experiencing the wisdom of the realization gained through releasing. All in all I have experienced huge transformations.” - S.P.
“After releasing the past I discovered, and let go of, a pattern of being a victim in all of major relationships with men. I was how powerful I was controlling them, manipulating to get my way by appearing powerless, it worked, but I had to give my power away. Under this, I saw a duplicate fear that I’d be killed if I was too powerful I let all of this go. I made the decision to go to the retreat and then things came up that made it difficult. I set a few goals before to go to the retreat with ease; to have a single room; to fly for under $200; and get the time off of work with ease. I released and got every goal. I set a strong intention to be free. I’ve had more feelings of freedom and moments of knowing I am already free than ever before.” - C.C.
“I continue to drop more negativity and garbage. I’m finding my inner peace consistently. My relationship with my son continues to be more loving and he is more grown up. It’s wonderful to be with other releasers and to see them become happier, lighter and even younger looking! I have learned to take responsibility for all that occurs in my life and I find this extremely empowering. I have discovered my main program in life that has held me back. People in my life continue to be loving and kind and have also shown a lot of generosity! Each time I come to a retreat or participate in a tele-course I consider it a major gain. The level of support here is inspiring!” - Susan
“I have changed how I make a living. I used to work full time and was a wage slave. Since learning Release Technique I have decided to have it my way. I chose to do contract work in which I decide when and how much I work. I now make more than when I was working full time and have more time freedom and a very flexible schedule this has all come about as a direct result of Release Technique. Thank you!” - John Nici
“I enjoyed this retreat – previous retreats I had a lot of resistance and was distracted by feelings like I needed to move – this retreat I was present and fully founded on the exercise I did yoga! Swimming before every meal and that as awesome. A big gain that I was in the swimming pool at 7 every morning – I have never done that before, I could do it because I am sleeping much better with releasing. Made a great progress on my career healthy neck and skin goals – all are feeling much better and more at ease. Feel deep sense of peace, quiet and well being. Got a job interview during this retreat. Shoulder is feeling much better. Releasing with different people was much more enjoyable than before. Felt like I actually listened and heard Lester for the rst time. Felt I real sense of community.” - F.S.
Graduates who have decided to go all the way to freedom felt it was high time to get all their goals. They decided to forge ahead and get all the goodness available to them from releasing. They also decided to not leave any more treasure on the table. They decided to go for it, and finish the job. The 90-Day course provides the tools and skills to do that.
Accountability Mastery
The New Super Deluxe Package
This Package Includes:
(tuition is waived, room and board not included)
You pay only $5,180
A Savings of $9060.40
That is a 63% savings OFF

Alternatively, you can just sign up for the
Brand New 90-DAY Accountability Mastery Program

You'll get a free pass into the Power of Release Course which is February 15-16 when you sign up for the 90 Day Accountability Mastery Program before February 15th. What a gain and a great way to get started in the 90 Day. You'll automatically be enrolled in the course Power of Releasing Course once you register.

Flexibility: Choose a payment plan that works best for you.
Accessibility: Start your journey without financial strain.
If you’d like to break your 5180 Package or 90 Day into payments, contact our office today to find a payment plan that works for you.
We look forward to helping you every step of the way!
Cancellation/Return Policy
A Momentum package must be used within 12 months from the date of purchase.