The Power of Releasing is for New people that want to learn the Release Technique.

Power of Releasing Course

via Zoom

February 15 – 16, 2025
If you are new to releasing, this is your opportunity to learn the most powerful and effective technique ever created.

This special Power of Releasing Course is designed for anyone who wants to learn the Release Technique and discover how you can have abundance, health and peace of mind.
If you are feeling stuck?
Fed up with life?
Don’t know how to turn problems into solutions?
Here’s How to Get “Unstuck”…
Feel Wonderful… And Flow Through Life Getting What You Want For A Change…

The most loving thing you can do for yourself is to allow yourself to feel wonderful inside.

The fastest way to feel wonderful is to release any “stuck energy” in you that is blocking you from feeling good.

The fastest way to release that “stuck” (uncomfortable) energy in you is through The Release Technique.

There has never been a time when The Release Technique is needed more, by more people.

Let’s face it – throughout our entire lifetime, life has been very uncomfortable for a lot of people, for far too long.

So it’s high-time to start releasing the accumulation of uncomfortable “stuck energy” in you.

It’s time to start feeling good again on the insideno matter what is happening in the world, on the outside.

Once again…

The fastest, most natural way to feel wonderful on the inside is by cycling through The Release Technique.

happy man and woman wearing hats

The Release Technique gets rid of the pent-up, uncomfortable "stuck" energy in your body and mind.

The Release Technique is the fastest, all-natural way to feel fully alive again.

It makes you feel excited about life again.

It makes you want to LIVE. FULLY LIVE.

It “releases” you from all that is troubling you.

It “releases” you from all that is frustrating you.

It “releases” you from all the pent-up boredom and fedup’ness about life.

A few hours of effortlessly cycling through The Release Technique method and life starts to look different.

It changes your whole outlook.

Where before you were seeing only problems and limitations.

After you cycle through The Release Technique — you get “unblocked” and — you start seeing possibilities and opportunities that were not part of your world before.

It’s the most refreshing experience ever.

Like getting an internal bath.

You feel “cleansed” mentally, emotionally and spiritually.

And that gives you power. Power that you didn’t have before.

It gives you a relaxed “I can do anything” type of energy.

It is the most delectable feeling there is.

And that feeling is available to anyone who takes the time to cycle through The Release Technique a few times.

In fact:

Just a few hours of cycling through The Release Technique is all it takes to completely “180 your perception of what’s possible for you.”

It happens all the time.

For example:

A person will come to The Release Technique with problems, stress, frustration, maybe even some anger and a deep sadness.

They feel stuck.

And powerless to change anything in their life.

Then, an hour (or less) of cycling through The Release Technique — and guess what?

They can no longer “find” any of that stress, frustration, anger or sadness inside of themselves.

All their uncomfortable feelings have “released” (been cleared away).

They “see” things completely differently.

And they get to experience what it’s like to feel good inside.

It often happens so quickly it can take a person by surprise

But it is the nicest surprise there is.

Because this feel-good feeling (that The Release Technique takes you to) is NOT dependent on anything being a certain way in life.

And that is so freeing.

So liberating.

It gives you an innate power and the innate energy to deal with life in a whole new way.

It is the most powerful state to live your life from.

It’s an inner-state that feels wonderful… and also enables you to flow through life getting what you want for a change.

But do you know the biggest problem we have here at The Release Technique?

It’s getting people to believe just how freeing and powerful The Release Technique is at positively transforming anyone’s life.

That’s why we have decided to create a special Releasing course where you can learn the fundamentals and experience the wisdom and power of The Release Technique called:

guitar on beach
The Power of Releasing
Course via Zoom

This introductory course is very affordable.

It will free you from any sense of “stuckness” in your life, better and faster than anything else you might have tried over the years.

In fact, here’s what we want you to do…

Bring your biggest problems to The Power of Releasing Course.

Bring your biggest frustrations…

Your deepest sadness…

Your biggest limitations…

The “thing” that has got you most stuck in your life…

Bring it ALL to The Power of Releasing Course.

And then — during The Power of Releasing Course – let our expert teachers help “release” and free you from all that has been making you uncomfortable and stuck and constrained. 

Here’s our promise to you:

You will feel good and alive again on the inside.

You will feel “cleansed” mentally, emotionally and spiritually.

And you will feel a renewed sense of power over your life and what is possible for you.

It’s a relaxed “can do anything” type of energy that all the truly powerful people in the world have.

This is what awaits you on The Power of Releasing Course.

So come. Join others who will be on the Course.

And if you have friends or family who you know are suffering (maybe silently suffering) -- then do the most loving thing you can do:

Tell them about the Power of Releasing course to get expert help and guidance using The Release Technique.

Lester Levenson (the originator of The Release Technique) always said that the most loving thing a person can do is invite people to discover how to Release.

There is, after all, nothing else as powerful as Releasing.

Releasing works where other techniques just don’t.

The Release Technique really is the answer to any problem you have.

It clears away all the “stuck energy” and limiting thoughts inside you that keep you… well… STUCK.

It’s time to get unstuck. To truly experience your inner freedom and your true power.

The Power of Releasing Course is HOW you get unstuck and feel good and alive and excited about life again — in a way that you’ve never really felt before!

The investment to participate in The Power of Releasing Course is usually set at $395 per person.

But as a “helping hand” in these trying times — where more people are suffering than ever before — we have decided to allow you and your loved ones to participate in the full Power of Releasing Course for only $395 $149 per person.

The Power of Releasing Course starts on Saturday, February 15, 2025.

There will be 3 hours of the Course on Saturday, February 15th.

And a further 3 hours of the Course the following day on Sunday, February 16th.

This is the most affordable live Course we are running.

Again: Instead of the usual $395 to be on the Course — you can participate in the full Power of Releasing Course for only $149 per person.

The alternative to not being on The Power of Releasing Course is just a continuation of your life being “stuck” just the way it is.

Let’s change that. For you – and for the friends or loved ones you would like to help feel better about themselves and their lives.

Totally New Course

Using a totally proven technique.

The effectiveness of this method has been verified by researchers of Harvard, Columbia, UCLA, & Penn Universities

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The Release Technique is NOT a system of positive thinking or inspiration. It is a simple technique designed to eliminate hidden, subconscious blocks and negativity. This technique helps to eliminate the conscious and unconscious wiring that is standing in the way of your optimal health, happiness, abundance and success in all areas of life.

You will learn how to let go of emotions; including stress and energetic subconscious blocks that are holding all of us back from the abundance and joy that is our birthright.

You Simply Need To Pull Out All The Stops.

Join people from around the world to learn the POWER OF RELEASING.

Catapult your results by releasing in this LIVE WEEKEND Course via Zoom with the Release Technique teachers!

Instead of trying to fix and change problem after problem using negativity or wishful thinking, experience the profound shift when you let go of negative disapproving feelings and live by intention. Fixing problems doesn’t ever last. They just keep popping up.

What’s better than wishful thinking, is knowing that you are a powerful unlimited being that cannot be conquered by negative feelings or circumstances.

Be Smart! You can have all of your intentions and goals.

There has never been a time when The Release Technique is needed more, by more people.

Yes – Live the Lifestyle You Deserve

But do hurry to book into The Power of Releasing Course via Zoom, before all available spots are taken.

Reserve Your Space TODAY!​

Dates & Times

Event time zone is Pacific Time (PDT). Here is a convenient time converter:

Saturday, February 15
Sunday, February 16

Plus a month of Releasing Support!
If you have taken this course before, then you pay $119.
Please send an email to to get your discount code.
Looking forward to Releasing with you, and those you invite, on The Power of Releasing Course via Zoom!

The Release Technique Team
After registering, you will receive your Zoom link the day before the course begins.
As an additional bonus, all attendees will receive a digital version of the Abundance Home Study Course (a $199 value, you get for free), once you register.