Getting Back To Basics – The Goal is Ultimate Happiness

Getting Back To Basics - The Goal is Ultimate Happiness

What would you like to achieve in this brand-new year?

And what will that give you when you’ve accomplished it?

Lester reminds us that the ultimate goal we’re all looking for is happiness with no sorrow – which is our very basic nature.

But we take our eyes off the prize (happiness) the moment we think we have to “get” happiness by chasing it down in the world.

Check in with your goals and intentions for the coming year and see if this isn’t true. Examine if it feels like once you’ve accomplished the goal, then you’ll be happy.

If your basic nature is happiness, and happiness is the end result you’re looking for …

Why take the long, circuitous (and complicated) way to what you really want to experience?

Truth is simple. If it’s complicated or takes any time at all, it’s not the truth of what you are.

Using your goals, intentions and wishes for the coming year (and continually removing by releasing) whatever is making you unhappy, is the shortest path to reaching a continuous state of Ultimate Happiness.

Here are some pointers from Lester to help you keep your eye on the top goal and the only reason we’re here: To remember our original state of totality, complete freedom and no limitation.

Only when we reconnect with our wholeness, will we be truly happy.

Find out what happens when you make a decision for happiness and use Lester’s pointers for releasing:

The goal is complete liberation—the attainment of limit-lessness.

All are seeking complete freedom and happiness, and everyone is seeking this either consciously or unconsciously.

The goal is Self-Realization.

All we need to do is improve our knowing of the fact that “I AM THAT I AM” until our knowledge is only that. Then we see and know that we are that which we have been seeking.

So the goal is to know that “I AM THAT I AM.” This knowing, however, is not the intellectual knowing, which is but like a tape record- ing. This knowledge is an experienced knowledge gotten through Self realization, through stilling the mind and concentrating the mind inwardly until the Self, Itself, gives us the answer by showing Itself.

No one can be taught Truth, each must realize Truth by himself or herself. A Teacher can give the direction, the way, and the pupil may take it.

All Truth is provable. Accept nothing on hearsay. Each must prove out every- thing for himself or herself.

There is only an Absolute Truth, and that is the Truth that is changeless. Before we attain to the one Absolute Truth we use the apparency of relative truth. Reason and thinking, dealing with the limited senses, and being a lower-level operation of mind, cannot get us to the Absolute Truth, but must be used to get us in the direction of the Absolute Truth. Intuition, knowingness, super-conscious-

ness will reveal the Absolute Truth. Our rate of growth is directly proportional to the intensity of the desire for it. Man thinks of himself as body, mind and soul. Soul is the real Self—Infinite,

All-Knowing, All-Powerful, Everywhere Present. Mind is a tool of the Soul, used as an instrument to create and reflect the physical universe. Body is the creation of the mind.

Therefore, we must first get to know that we are not the limited body, then that we are not the limited mind, and what is left is that we are the Pure Infinite Glorious Self, Omnipotent, Omniscient, and Omnipresent! This is the real evolution. Life, as we know it today, is in the limited realm of cause and effect. Natural or divine law works in accordance with cause and effect. To be masters and controllers of life, we need only to know that thinking is the cause and what ever happens in the physical world is the effect of that thinking! If, from this moment on, we would keep in mind only that which we want, that is only what we would get!

Remember, the mind is only creative, and will create constructive and destructive things, determined by what we keep in mind!”

– Lester Levenson

To make it even easier for you stay on track with your goal for happiness, get the guidance and support of the 30-Day Financial Freedom & Life Mastery Tele-Course January 11th – February 11th.

The Release Technique Team