Living Your Highest and Best Life Retreat
Join us to ACTIVELY RELEASE the LIMITATIONS within you…
…and watch in wonder as your life circumstances QUICKLY transform for the better…
There aren’t many things everyone can agree upon these days.
Maybe we can all agree on gravity.
And that the sun is hot.
And that water is wet.
And stuff like that.
Other than that?
Well, it’s anybody’s guess.
But there is probably one other thing everybody does now agree upon.
And it’s this:
The high-drama-of-life is making us feel…
And, in one way or another…
Completely "boxed in" by limitations
Ever feel like that?
Ever feel like you’re “boxed in” by limitations?
Sure you do! That’s the Limited You.
You know you’ve run up against a limitation when you get that feeling in your gut of: “Arrrghhh”
Or: “Urrrggghhhh”
Or: “%&*£^!%&”
Well, you get the idea.
You FEEL it.
DEEP within.
In your gut.
In your being.
And, maybe, the feeling of limitation completely engulfs you.
Either way – you KNOW the feeling.
It actually feels like your energy has come up against a brick wall.
There’s an inner-sense of something “stopping” you.
You also intuitively understand that if that internal limitation weren’t there…
You would feel so much "free-er" and capable of creating the life you really want to live.

And that is indeed true.
If you didn’t have any limitations within you – you would be “free” to create the life you really want to live.
You would feel naturally inspired to do things important to you.
You could get yourself to stop doing the wrong things.
Self-sabotage would be a thing of the past.
And you would become one of life’s natural winners.
You'd be THAT person who makes everything look so easy... who always seems to have the Midas Touch.
And your ability to consciously create your life as you’d really like it to be… would skyrocket.
The point being:
With more and more limitations coming at us from the outside world and outside “authorities”…
It’s NOW more important than ever that you…
ACTIVELY RELEASE the limitations that exist within you
That is exactly what Lester Levenson (the originator of the Release Technique) did.
He actively and diligently released the limitations that existed within him.
And – as you probably know the story of Lester Levenson by now — he released all his limitations inside 3 months.
From that point forward Lester pretty much lived an unlimited life.
He was never “boxed in” by seeming outside limitations.
He lived abundantly.
And without ever having to work for a living in order to have material wealth.
Lester Levenson became a modern-day Master.
He proved that when enough internal limitations are released — the whole experience of life is completely different and better.
See here is the Truth of the matter:
It is the limitations within you that "attract" all kinds of problems and limitations in your day-to-day life.
Your day-to-day life and what happens to you is very much connected with the limitations within you.
So, the more limitations you hold within your energy field — the more recurring problems and limitations you will keep encountering in what you call your “real” life.
The egoic-mind often rejects this Truth. And that is why most people go through life always feeling stuck and limited by so-called external circumstances.
If you start releasing the limitations you hold within you – you will notice that your outside (“real”) life starts to get better all by itself.
As within; so without!
The KEY to a truly successful, abundant, joyful life of ease is to release the limitations you hold within you.
If you do that – and ONLY that – the circumstances of your life will get better on their own.
It’s that simple.
On the “flip side of the coin”…
If you don’t release the limitations you hold within you – you will always (for the rest of your life) run up against problems and set-backs that will always “prevent” you from having the life you long for.
Another way of saying it is:
You can NEVER "outrun" the limitations within you

Sure you can make “superficial” improvements and changes by “rearranging” certain aspects of your life (getting a better job, moving to a new city, getting into a different relationship etc).
But NOTHING ever really changes UNTIL you release the limitations within you.
It will just be a case of “different faces; same problems”
And over.
And over again.
That is the Truth of the matter.
If you have limitations piled-up within you — you will always experience the “outward manifestation” of your limitations in your outer-life.
And that will always… always… ALWAYS… leave you feeling frustrated, disappointed and upset by the “unfairness” of life.
Life will always “go wrong” for you if you carry a stockpile of limitations within you.
It’s time to change that.
The time is NOW to commit to actively releasing the limitations within you.
This is something you now have the rare chance to do.
Because this coming March 22nd is the start of…
The NEW 7-Day Living Your Highest and Best Life Retreat: Beyond the Limited You
This is a NEW ADVANCED in-person retreat that has never taken place before.
The retreat is Open to Everyone: Set in the serene and inspiring surroundings of Larry’s Home in Los Angeles, this is your opportunity to create lasting transformation.
It has been purposefully designed for the very trying times we are now living through.
We want you to experience what it’s like to release layers-and-layers of limitations.
So you can experience living more effortlessly, more abundantly and more joyfully.
That’s why we have put together this NEW ADVANCED in-person retreat.
The more you can release your limitations… the more you can rise-up in consciousness and effortlessly create the life you long for.
But it takes some ADVANCED releasing to really get at the layers-and-layers of limitations you hold onto (often unconsciously).
So at the in-person retreat you will have expert guidance to work with you to…
Search. Discover. And Release.
As in:
Search for the limitations.
Discover the limitations within – especially the “hidden” limitations that are outside of your conscious awareness.
And, of course, Release as many limitations as we can discover in you.
That is the primary-purpose of the NEW 7-Day Living Your Highest and Best Life Retreat: Beyond the Limited You.
Maybe it sounds very simplistic.
But it is very advanced.
Because it uses advanced processes and discovery techniques to enable you to “shine a torchlight” on the DEEPEST limitations within you.
It goes DEEPER than most of our other releasing courses and retreats.
It “probes the depths of your unconscious” and enables you (with the help of expert guidance) to
Discover limitations you never even knew you had
This is where the real transformation happens.
When you release unconscious limitations you never even knew you had – your life can transform in what seems like the blink of an eye.
It all happens so quickly and so naturally that from one day to the next your life can completely change in circumstances.
Your life can go from absolutely hopelessness with no solution in sight…
To the perfect solutions appearing into your life in ways you could never have even thought of.
And it can happen from one day to the next.
Even on the same day.
For example:
When unconscious limitations are released (as they will be on the NEW 7-Day Living Your Highest and Best Life Retreat: Beyond the Limited You)…
- Unexpected money can arrive into your life…
- Opportunities you never thought possible suddenly reveal themselves to you…
- People that want to hire you or employ you or work with you contact you out of the blue…
- Someone suddenly enters your life through a seeming chance encounter that you know is the ONE…
Things like that.
Circumstances change quickly – really quickly — when limitations within are released.
Especially when unconscious limitations you never even knew you had are released (which is a BIG part of what we will focus on during the NEW 7-Day Living Your Highest and Best Life Retreat: Beyond the Limited You hosted in the warmth and comfort of Larry’s private home).
This is what we invite you to experience for yourself…
We want you to experience…
The pinnacle of the Releasing experience…
What do we mean by that?
We mean that two days into the Living Your Highest and Best Life Retreat: Beyond the Limited You you will start to feel inwardly clearer. Lighter. More peaceful.
By the end of the 7-day retreat you will undoubtedly notice shifts taking place in your “outer” life.
You will experience the very real connection of inner limitations and outer limitations. Or, more specifically, you will experience how Life shows up differently for you on the “outside” when you release enough of the limitations within you.
And do you know what else happens when you release enough of the limitations within you?
The answer is…
You experience the joy of being absolutely Unlimited…

And you’ll find out that from that Unlimited state that you can very easily (almost effortlessly) create a life for yourself that is the “perfect fit” for all your needs and more.
This is exactly what Lester Levenson himself was able to do.
Lester diligently released limitation after limitation within himself… and in a short amount of time… EVERYTHING in his life just kept getting better and better, and happier and happier.
Wouldn’t you like to experience that directly for yourself in your own life?
Now you can!
By acting now to secure your place onto the 7-Day Living Your Highest and Best Life Retreat: Beyond the Limited You.
Nestled in the tranquil beauty of Larry’s Home, this retreat provides the perfect environment to totally transcend everything that’s been holding you back.
To finally go Beyond the Limited You and to reveal the Unlimited You.
See for yourself how life gets better and better in truly magical ways when you release the limitations within…
Feels Lester & Cuts Medicine In Half
“I felt the presence of Lester in my heart. He’s the real deal. While I have read many books on “spiritual enlightenment” never understood what they meant until this retreat. Those books will most likely continue to live on my bookshelf where I use the Release Technique is something I can and will take with me everywhere. I came here with no or little hope of healing my fibromyalgia, while my pain is not gone totally (yet) I have been able to cut my medicine in half and I have less pain only by using the Release Technique. Releasing is a simple but profound way of achieving freedom and peace – I truly believe anyone can do it! I released significant traumas that I didn’t even remember were there. I feel lighter and happier.” - Amy Betts
“This was my first retreat and I had a change to work with partners which I found very helpful in deepening my understanding of the Release Technique. I was able to release on very deep levels several times, getting to the status of beautiful aliveness. Had many insights about myself. Working in a group environment, feeling high energy momentum. Very positive experience I’ve learned many new things to practice in my everyday life.” - A.D.
“I drove the last 30 miles to Albuquerque on empty. I can finally discriminate between ego and being- ness. I allow myself to choose beingness. I could allow myself to have peace and I let go of the fight. I allowed my butt to be comfortable as the chair. The muscles in my shoulders and neck are looser. My walk is lighter. I am continually happier. I found my ‘never give up’ and am able to embrace it as my own and go forward.” - Dia Vale
“More experience at dropping the mind let go of the past on a much deeper lever also have discovered there major programs that were hidden in incidents of the past. Got way more proficient at seeing the stories in my head and letting them go. Also, dropped the addiction to wanting approval, let go of finding my joy from the world and got a whole fresh intent of dropping wanting and going free bif time nothing stopping me. Got goals and learned more about using them as a means of releasing the garbage the mind brings up. Living more in having rather than wanting. I am happy and feel more freedom from the mind.” - W.D.
“My awareness has increased exponentially and my releasing has become so much easier. These are some exercises in the book that I have had difficulty with the past. During this retreat they have become easier to the point that they just flow. As with all my travels I release to have a safe, uneventful journey no matter what I do.” - T.B.
“I am filled with gratitude and thankfulness to have found Releasing. More than anything I have ever done it has opened the possibilities of living in Beingness, pure joy and peace. This retreat I clearly see how my programs have been operating to create the dis-eased body. I clearly know I have used the dis-eased body to hide as an excuse to not so what I don’t want to do. I continue to release on these health issues and am falling like I can have perfect health – I no longer need to ravish my body to justify anything – BRAVO!!” - Joy Billings
“A fleeting intention before coming and being asked to write an intention, come to me, that I would have permanent change in my awareness. The only intention that came to mind, when asked to write was TO BE MYSELF. I negated this many times and it kept returning and throughout this retreat, it has been an anchor, I used in releasing exercises with profound released. Including one night after a deep release on pride, without realizing more was going on within, I struggled through dinner, shaking and not feeling well, wanting to leave and go to my room. I stay and released along then my mind came up with everything on the way to my room, “see your sick, it’s not working, give up in fact just get out or here now and go home!” I said “oh no you don’t” – I got warm after the cold room downstairs and did the attachment and aversion to doing the mirror exercise. Yes I lifted up and felt the shift. I then sat in front of the mirror with a 10 minute alarm, as I wasn’t sure what would show up, with how I had felt before. In fact I went past that time, I just felt so much love for myself, looking into the soul eyes.” - Karen Seed
“This retreat has brought an awareness of seeing the “end result” for my goals and other things I am holding in mind. Also working on programs and past has been extremely powerful and insightful changing my programs to if they ever see who I really am… etc. resonated deeply and I was hanging to dig up ‘past stuff’ that has plagued me all my life. It is easy and visible so all welcomed.” - V.H.
Again, the NEW format of the NEW 7-Day Living Your Highest and Best Life Retreat: Beyond the Limited You, has never been held before.
This is the first time.
It starts March 22nd to March 28th.
If you would like to experience everything explained on this page directly for yourself in your own life…
You do need to act now (before all places are taken) to secure your place onto the NEW 7-Day Beyond the Limited You: Living Your Highest and Best Life Retreat.

Register for the 7-Day Living Your Highest and Best Life Retreat: Beyond the Limited You.
The retreat is open to everyone.
You'll get a free pass into the Power of Release Course which is February 15-16 when you sign up for the Living Your Highest and Best Life Retreat before February 15th. What a gain! You'll automatically be enrolled in the course Power of Releasing Course once you register.
Register Today!

Flexibility: Choose a payment plan that works best for you.
Accessibility: Start your journey without financial strain.

Retreat Details
Sherman, Oaks, CA 91403
Note: Please be aware that commuting from the hotel to Larry’s home on your own is not feasible due to narrow streets and limited parking, which is reserved exclusively for residents.
Sunday–Thursday: 9:00 AM – 7:30 PM
Friday, March 28: 9:00 AM - 1:00 PM. Retreat concludes after lunch. Shuttle will leave the house at 1:00 PM and arrive at the hotel at 1:30 PM
Lunch: 12:30 PM
Dinner: 6:30 PM
Early Bird Pricing: $1,554 (valid until Jan 15th, 2025) + $499 (meals and services) Normally $2,995 in the past.
Limited Spots Available! Secure your place early
Recommended Hotel:
Best Western Carriage Inn
5525 Sepulveda Blvd
Sherman Oaks, CA 91411
Click here to book directly.
Special Room Rate: *$149/night (expires February 1, 2025)
*Rate does not include hotel taxes
Mention “Release Technique” to secure the discounted rate.
Contact: (818) 787-2300 ext. 101 or (818) 908-0639
Hotel Check-In: 3:00 PM | Check-Out: 12:00 PM
Fly Into:
LAX International Airport: 18.75 miles/27 minutes
Burbank Airport: 9.82 miles/16 minutes
Airport Shuttle Services:
Super Shuttle
Prime Time Shuttle
Flyaway Bus
Alternatively Taxi/Uber/Lyft are available