“I was ‘8 hours away from dying due to an ulcerated esophagus. Between 1998 and 2007 I had 5 heart procedures to place a total of 16 stents in my coronary arteries, and in November 2007 had a pacemaker put in my chest. In 2007 I ordered the Release Technique. A couple of weeks ago my cardiologist’s office called to say my pacemaker hadn’t been checked since November 2007. At the office the nurse and the technician were looking at the year long graph of data they downloaded from my pacemaker. The guy says ‘Do you exercise?’ I said probably not as much as I could. (I don’t exercise). Then he says ‘This is the graph of a young person’s heart!’ (I’m 55). I cured my heart issues with the Release Technique and take no more medication. This is scientific proof that releasing works. Thank you Larry for continuing Lester’s work.” – Bobby Archambault