“I’ve had The Abundance Course for about two months now and I’ve listened to all the CDs at least twice and most of the bonuses even more often.  The first week I had the course my pocket was picked at a Walmart store.  There was about $400 in cash, 3 credit cards, my driver’s license, Medicare and other ID information in it.  I immediately started releasing on wanting safety and security.  After all, there was enough information in there to steal my identity, not to mention the potential for home invasion, etc.  I continued to release for two weeks and eventually was notified that my wallet had been turned it.  All the cash was missing, but everything else was there.  So I consider it a substantial gain even though I lost some money.

Next, I’ve been diagnosed with an extremely painful and potentially fatal condition that I’ve been dealing with for about nine years.  Although it’s been pretty much under control, I do get flare-ups from time to time that are very painful and usually last indefinitely until I do something drastic like have an infusion of a chemo drug in a medical facility for several hours at a time.  Such a flare happened just before the CYL telecourse last week.  I did some releasing on it and, voila! – It went away in a day instead of… whenever.  To me it was miraculous. I still have a number of physical things to deal with and I love them to death and allow them to leave or stay daily.

Aside from that, during the week of the telecourse I happened to be going through a pile of mail that I had been putting off for a number of weeks (ever do that?) and I found three checks from my health insurance company which I was to use in paying some medical bills that they hadn’t paid.  Not only that, but my income tax refund came in and a contractor for whom I had done some work sent me a reimbursement check for materials I used on his job.  It all added up to around $700.  Although none of it was “new” money, in other words it was all my money in the first place, I still consider it a gain since it all happened as I was releasing.

On another note, you may be aware of the trouble I’ve been having accessing the telephone sessions.  I have no trouble getting through to Maestro.  They always answer my calls immediately, but from then on it’s a fiasco getting on the calls.  This goes for the Wednesday night calls as well as the telecourse calls.  This past Wednesday I tried for fifteen minutes getting the same three messages; 1.) my pin number is invalid or not recognized and I need to re-enter it only to be denied again, 2.) there is no conference scheduled at this time, and 3.) I’m connected but I’m the only one in the conference room.  Since it worked the week before, I tried re-registering to get a new, and hopefully recognizable, pin number.  This finally worked even though Larry has said that we only have to register once and it would be good for all the Wed. night calls.  Last night I wanted to get on the follow up call to the CYL telecourse.  Again, I tried getting on for about fifteen minutes.  After a while it dawned on me — Maybe I’m trying to control the situation.  So before trying it again I decided to release on it.  I let go of wanting to control the situation, and wouldn’t you know it… on my first try I got on the call.  I said to myself, “I’ve got to tell Larry about this.”  So when he asked for more gains I pushed the “1” button on my phone, but evidently it didn’t register over there because he just kept being bewildered that no one was responding to his requests.  Maybe Maestro is not working all that well.  Maybe other callers are having the same trouble. Maybe someone at Maestro or at The Release Technique should do some releasing to get it to work properly and well all the time instead of sporadically.  Am I the only person having this trouble?  It’s hard to believe that only the same handful of people seem to be able to get on the calls and communicate with Larry about releasing.  He did manage to call on me a couple of times during the course, but he initiated it.  I hadn’t pressed the “1” button to “raise my hand”.  

Larry asks everyone who calls in what they are going to do next, encouraging them to sign up for another course immediately.  I still have a lot of work
to do with The Abundance Course and the CYL course before jumping into another one, and even though I’ve had some significant gains, I’m still “taking it for checking”, as Larry says.  I’m still struggling with attachments and aversions, but I know I’ll get it eventually.  This is a great program, and I intend to take many more courses in it.”

Until next Wednesday…
