Counting your blessings is the fastest way to attract more blessings into your life. Gratitude for the blessings you have now, kicks it up into the stratosphere. Gratitude is connecting with the Infinite source of all abundance.
See a beautiful tree? Be grateful. Say thank you. A bright sunshiny day? Say thank you. A rainy day? Say thank you. A new insight? Say thank you. Your paycheck? Say thank you. Be grateful for the great and small throughout your day.
For no specific reason at all, say, thank you, thank you, thank you, thank you, silently to yourself. It washes happy feelings all over you. Check it out for yourself. Synch it up with your breathing. Breathe in, “Thank.” Breathe out, “you.” Thank you.
Do you give yourself approval when you wake up in the morning … and before you fall asleep? This is a simple, yet life-changing practice. Right now, silently, to yourself, say thank you, thank you, thank you … notice the instant lift you experience. Magic.
What would be possible in your day when you fill it with the energy of gratitude? What miracles will you be attracting?
Use this exercise to get the gratitude flowing. Take out a piece of paper. Start at the top. Write Thank you. Write Thank you all the way across the page. Keep going all the way across and down the page until the entire sheet is full of Thank you’s. You can guess what happens by the time you get to the bottom of the page.
Say Thank you to people you meet in your day. It’s not possible to say Thank you too much, is it? It’s a mini gift you give to someone and doesn’t cost you a dime.
Do you write Thank you notes? Real, handwritten, Thank you notes? Congratulations to you if you said, “Yes.” It’s a forgotten art. Technology has changed our world in so many ways. Many good ways. Many, maybe not so good ways. Emailing is so easy and so quick. We dash off a Thank you email in 10 seconds. That’s if we’re slow at it. Nothing wrong with that. It’s better than not saying, Thank you.
Handwritten notes kick up your Thank you to a higher level. A more meaningful level. A more personal level. It makes the gift of “Thank you” even more valuable when someone receives it with stamp on the envelope, doesn’t it? Some people go to the post office and buy special stamps. Some people use special paper or cards. A few words of gratitude, appreciation, and Thank you. The recipient feels special and feels gratitude for your gratitude.
Gratitude opens you up for more gifts to be grateful for. Gratitude is giving. Gratitude is the same energy as Love. You get back what you give. Love and gratitude boomerangs back to you.
Why not start a practice of love and gratitude?
When you increase your gratitude, you’re spreading love in the world. Love is contagious. Love begets more love.
A profound opportunity to amplify and share your love and gratitude is to join like-minded company in a course like the Reclaim Your Power Tele-course (December 6th – December 15th) or the 7-Day Ultimate Year End Virtual Retreat (December 26th – January 1st).
Thank you for considering these practical suggestions that move you in the direction of more and more happiness. Thank you for being part of the Releasing Community.
Thank you to Lester and Larry, for bringing these gifts to us.
Thank you. Thank you. Thank you.

The Release Technique Team