Tips for Freedom

hands holding a note that says Let's start the journey
  1. You will be as happy as you decide to be. You will be as happy as you realize that you have all the happiness in the universe right inside of you right now, and that happiness does not exist out there in some person or something.
  2. You will have Love to the extent you decide to Love Yourself. You will Love Yourself to the extent you realize that Love is not out there in some other person waiting for you to find it. You will Love Yourself to the extent that you realize you are Love and have all the Love in the universe right inside you right now.
  3. You will be as Positive to the extent you decide to be Positive no matter what comes your way.
  4. You will live in having your wishes and goals to the extent you let go of wanting, to the extent you see that wanting and having are opposite energies, and in order to have it’s necessary to let go of wanting.
  5. You will have success and achieve your goals to the extent that you hold in mind only what you want and let go of any thoughts to the contrary.
  6. You will have satisfaction to the extent you hold in mind what you have rather than what you don’t have, to the extent that you hold in mind what’s good rather than what’s bad, to the extent that you hold in mind what’s right rather than what’s wrong.
  7. You will live in the energy of “I can” to the extent you let go of the falsehood of “I can’t.”
  8. You will be unlimited to the extent you let go of pretending you are limited.
  9. You will have joy to the extent you take all your joy from the infinite wellspring within you.
  10. You will be in charge of your life to the extent that you take full responsibility for all that you have in your experience every day.
  11. You will receive to the extent you open yourself to more gifts by an attitude of receptivity and constant gratitude.
  12. Your gains will blossom and grow to the extent you notice, acknowledge and reinforce your gains by writing them down.
  13. You will have peace of mind to the extent that you do not listen to what you think; to the extent that you decide not to be run by the noise machine mind.
  14. You will grow to the extent you decide to be giving rather than consumed with getting.
  15. You will realize Mastership by releasing constantly, letting go of the negative feelings called AGFLAP the instant they appear in your life.These are all simple decisions. What have you decided? You’ll know because it’s what you’re demonstrating in your life now.

If you’re not totally satisfied or don’t feel free to have the life you really want, join us for the 7-Day Virtual Final Step Retreat (May 29 – June 4)

And learn how to effortlessly drop into a new and exciting realm of Infinite Freedom.

The Release Technique Team