Ride the wave of your effortless Beingness

man surfing in a wave

When you live your life from the Ultimate State of Effortless Beingness (like Lester Levenson did) your life will become like riding the Universal wave.

The Universal wave will naturally move you into the positions, the opportunities and the relationships that will fulfill your hearts desires.

The Universal wave will also “tide back to you” events, circumstances and gains that will appear at just the right time and in the most perfect way possible for your soulful completion.

What’s more… You’ll feel the direct experience of the Universal wave rise up and flow through your body as “waves of bliss” atop an “ocean bed” of delectable stillness of peace.

Once you reach that Ultimate state (the state of Effortless Beingness) nothing and no one can harm you. All problems fall away. Life flows smoothly. Effortlessly. In the most perfect and brilliant way imaginable.

Part of you already understands completely. That part of you is your inner Beingness recognizing a description of itself in words. Your inner Beingness has called forth these words.

It’s the reason why you are here, now, reading them. Your inner Beingness has brought you here to this moment. Prompting you to accept it fully and give yourself permission to let it guide you fully into the Ultimate state of bliss, freedom and untouchable peace at all times.

So you now stand on the threshold. You can ignore your inner Beingness. You can shut it down. Turn your back on it and return to life as you’ve always tolerated it—with the same problems, annoyances, upsets, and agitations. That’s called “incomplete living.”

Alternatively… You can embrace the wisdom of your inner Beingness. You can allow it to protect you. To guide your Higher Self and lead you into the ONE THING that will take you all the way to total peace and joyfulness in every moment of each day. That ONE THING is…Releasing!

Uncover your inner Beingness during Lester’s 90-Day Quiet Your Mind Program Sep 17th – Dec 13th.

The Release Technique Team