How to drop your worst self-sabotaging habits in “one sitting”

How to drop your worst self-sabotaging habits in “one sitting”

If manifesting your goals by releasing isn’t working for you … There’s only one reason (that you can easily release once you see it). The reason we don’t instantly create what we say we want, is because you have unconscious programs (habits) that are blocking you from receiving. Your programs are sabotaging the amount of […]

Your invisible source of supply (and how to get what you want from it).

Your invisible source of supply

The trouble with most people is they don’t have an invisible source of supply. Well, they have – they just don’t realize it. Take money for example. Most people think their income is dependent on a particular job or business or person. Not exactly true. Money may come to you THROUGH a job, a business […]

The Recipe for a Bountiful Life

Recipe for a Bountiful Life

Still think wishing will make you successful? Think if you just try harder, try something new, or try to be better … Then you’ll finally be successful? The hard truth is, you will never succeed so long as you have subconscious programs holding you back. You will sabotage your success, again and again, no matter […]

The simple decision to move your life forward…

The simple decision to move your life forward…

Think of something that you would like to change in your past. Okay, go ahead and change it. You can see, it’s not possible. Realistically, we know we can’t go back and change what’s already happened… yet we have a strong habit of following the mind into the past and torturing ourselves with it, over […]

Want a fool-proof plan for success?

Want a fool-proof plan for success?

Wishing won’t make you successful. You will never succeed so long as you have subconscious programs holding you back. You will sabotage your success again and again, no matter how much effort or willpower you exert. What you need is a plan based on a PROVEN METHOD—a habit you can develop and master, which will […]

Tips for Freedom

If you’re not totally satisfied or don’t feel free to have the life you really want, join us for the 7-Day Virtual Final Step Retreat (May 29 – June 4) And learn how to effortlessly drop into a new and exciting realm of Infinite Freedom. Love,The Release Technique Team

Making better decisions before the holidays

Making better decisions before the holidays

Here it is, just before the holidays, and hopefully we are all in a reflective place that helps us to be in appreciation for all that we have been fortunate enough to enjoy this year. If we are experiencing anything other than positive feelings for our year and upcoming holiday celebrations, it may be helpful […]

Why You Need a Powerful Plan for Success

Why You Need a Powerful Plan for Success

Wishing won’t make you successful. You will never succeed so long as you have subconscious programs holding you back. You will sabotage your success, again and again, no matter how much effort or willpower you exert. What you need is a plan based on a PROVEN METHOD—a habit you can develop and master, which will […]

Get On Target to Get Your Goals!

Get On Target to Get Your Goals!

”Improve Your Goals Process” Over the past few years the teachers have done an AMAZING job of identifying what was preventing folks from consistently getting their goals. Through releasing and observing what might be some of the concerns, he identified a few important steps that weren’t being consistently applied. We recognized that The Six Steps of the […]

Change Your Energy!

Change Your Energy

”Change Your Energy For the New Year” The first step to attract what you want is to change or shift your energy. Everything in this world is made up of energy, including us. Other people pick up on your energy. If it’s positive you’ll attract positive people into your life. If you have negative energy, […]