Your invisible source of supply (and how to get what you want from it).

Your invisible source of supply

The trouble with most people is they don’t have an invisible source of supply. Well, they have – they just don’t realize it. Take money for example. Most people think their income is dependent on a particular job or business or person. Not exactly true. Money may come to you THROUGH a job, a business […]

Discover the little-known secret to manifesting using space consciousness.

SPACE is the most valuable “thing” in the Universe. SPACE is required for everything to exist in your Universe. Without SPACE nothing would exist in your life. Take a look around. See all the things, all the objects around you. See your own body, the computer, the wall, the window, the trees outside, the sun […]

Getting Back To Basics – The Goal is Ultimate Happiness

Getting Back To Basics - The Goal is Ultimate Happiness

What would you like to achieve in this brand-new year? And what will that give you when you’ve accomplished it? Lester reminds us that the ultimate goal we’re all looking for is happiness with no sorrow – which is our very basic nature. But we take our eyes off the prize (happiness) the moment we […]

The simple decision to move your life forward…

The simple decision to move your life forward…

Think of something that you would like to change in your past. Okay, go ahead and change it. You can see, it’s not possible. Realistically, we know we can’t go back and change what’s already happened… yet we have a strong habit of following the mind into the past and torturing ourselves with it, over […]

Tips for Freedom

If you’re not totally satisfied or don’t feel free to have the life you really want, join us for the 7-Day Virtual Final Step Retreat (May 29 – June 4) And learn how to effortlessly drop into a new and exciting realm of Infinite Freedom. Love,The Release Technique Team

Swing for the Fences

Swing for the Fences

Spring training is officially upon us, so let’s talk baseball for a moment. In fact, let’s talk about the Houston Astros. OK. So maybe you don’t like the Astros, but they did win the World Series last year. So, perhaps we can agree to let that be OK for just rightnow? Release on it. You […]



You’ve heard Lester’s advice, “Hold in mind only what you want and that’s all you would get.” But realistically, how do you do that? Here’s an example (from Sports Illustrated, February 8, 2010 by Tim Layden): Lindsey Vonn, America’s best woman skier ever, skis the Olympic downhill race in her mind…” balanced with each foot […]

Love Is Always the Answer!

Love Is Always the Answer!

”Love Is The Answer“ The entire basis of releasing is to remind us that our basic nature is love and happiness.  Love is the most positive and most powerful energy in the universe.  Larry Crane has said, “Everyone on the planet is looking for love.”  An example of this point is by typing the word […]

Release on any Crisis!

Release on any Crisis!

“DO YOU FEEL THREATED YET” Probably. You would have to be completely out of it not to feel threatened. All these messages, firing at you all day and night about the Pandemic,  Supply Shortages Crisis, Vaccination Mandates, Wars  Over the television. Over the news. Over the back fence. Everybody conspiring to scare you to death. […]

Feel Happy Like Lester Did all The Time!

“You want to feel what Lester feels like” Who wouldn’t? You want to feel like the Graduate that came to the last retreat, don’t you? You want to be freer and freer and at last totally, completely free. Sure you do. You want to be happier and happier and then the happiest you can possibly […]