Money Testimonials

Releasing helps make tax bill disappear

“I recently got a tax bill from New York State Department Taxation & Finance of $893.00 for my 2008 taxes. I went back to Goals & Resistance course and did some of the exercises. I immediately knew what to do. I called the NYS Taxation department today, they told me to just fax them the IRS revision to $0 for my 2008 taxes [I saved the IRS letter in my closet from last year]– I’ll fax them the paperwork tomorrow, another tax bill gone to $0 owed :)” – L.M.


“I was having a problem renegotiating the rent as the landlord decided we were far from paying enough for the type of house I live in. I decided I would either pay up to 2000 or look for another house, maybe buy one. My question was if this is the time to look for the perfect house to buy or should I wait a bit longer. The answer should come from releasing, so decided that I would propose 1800 and if he decided it wasn’t acceptable between 1800 and 2000, that would be the sign that I should not negotiate any further and look for a new house now. Then I went for a Releasing Walk. When I got back he accepted the 1800.

-Even though Jordana is in Mexico at a hotel with bad internet, it worked fine during our daily releasing sessions for this course.

-Satisfaction = free, desireless, peace of mind, happy, quiet mind, nothing to change or do. All the resistence/aversion comes from my mind/I have to do something..

-I went to a rock concert in the day before holidays, and that always means heavy traffic in São Paulo. I checked the internet and the traffic was indeed really heavy in many places. So, I left a bit early than I needed and release all the way. There was almost no traffic all the way to the concert and I could even watch the opening band that I normally don’t get to see because of normal traffic.

-While waiting for the main band to start I worked on Att&Av to wanting to change myself and realized that the main reason I have an attachment to wanting to change is that it allows me to experience a bit of how I would feel if I had the goal along with the wanting to change. Something like “this is as far as you will feel how it is to have the goal unless you have it/change it”. Then I saw that the reason I could never fully get into experiencing “already having my goal” was that it came with a “You don’t have it so you have to change yourself and your life” tag. It was a program running and to me that was the normal way of experiencing. Now I can get more fully into the experience of having.

-I got U$50.000,00

-It’s easier now to release feelings by releasing the wants behind it. I used to watch the energy leave and that would take a while and would never feel really complete. I had a shift in perspective that made it easier to release them because my focus changed from watching the energy leave to just seeing the body as opened and knowing the energy would leave by itself. This way it evaporated faster and in a more complete way. But now it got even easier just by focusing on the wants and letting them go without caring much for the energy. It just dissolves by itself.

-Driving has always been a challenge and now it’s ok. Some moments would require more releasing, but in general it doesn’t even bother.” – Mário Califfa

Receives pension after 25 years

“When I used to live in California I had a factory job working for the LA Soap Company. In 1987 they went out of business. I had been working there for 11 years, so I was vested in the pension. During the year after they closed, they sent me a letter confirming that I was vested in the pension and that I would be eligible to start receiving my payments beginning August 1, 2012! That letter mentioned contacting them a few months before my date. I never got around to contacting them, but just yesterday I received a letter in the mail from some insurance company in Illinois. I opened it and saw that this was about my pension! LA Soap had bought an annuity with them for me – to pay my pension benefits .It’s funny how our thoughts play out in the world. I called them and was told that I’d start getting my payments on August 1, 2012.” – J.P.

The Benefits of True Unconditional Love – A Way of Life

“My gains are many. I have achieved my goal this weekend – it was a relationship goal. I will never become content and stop releasing. This 90-day program is astounding. The $35,000 money gain seems less important than the life change it has brought. My beingness is in charge and my mind is a very minor player…..I am not ruled by my mind and all things effortlessly unfold. I have re-learned so very much along the way that my life is changed. 

I most importantly now understand who I am: An all loving infinite being who is connected to every single person globally and beyond – as well as to the source of all beingness. I am quiet and live without reaction and I am far more harmonious with every thing and everyone. I can change my state in a moment most of the time and radiate a love that I know is felt far and wide. 

I have learned how to love a situation that most anyone could not fathom loving and how the true and unconditional love turns a situation completely around. 
I have taken it for checking as we say- seemingly impossible becomes better than possible. 

I am sure the way I feel when full of a radiating loving presence that I am is the cure for anything.” – Jean

The Magic of Releasing and Sending Love

“Just wanted to share some GAINS:

I took my car in to get some work done and the mechanic said he installed $1,200.00 worth of parts in my car. When I picked my car up the following week he gave me $100.00 in cash and said, “here’s the receipt of the work that was done and there’s no charge.” That was amazing! I never expected that. I’m still smiling from this gain.

I’ve been receiving weekly money gains by releasing only.

My ex-employer called and asked if they could refer their high profile clients to me after being laid off a year ago with their company. Of course I said,”YES!” This was a very big surprise. I am very happy. You never know what you’re going to get when you release and send love. It’s pure magic!

I’m looking forward to having time to take your other courses.
May you all continue to have good fortune.”

Many thanks,
La Nette

Realizes that approving of others is the key

“The single most important gain is simply the realization that being approving of others [giving them approval] UNCONDITIONALLY, [while they are just being or being 180 degrees off from what my ego thinks they should be] leads to feeling approval. Which leads to being accepting of them and thus accepting of myself. This is very profound for me. Finally, I have “enough” money, and a feeling of OKAY-NESS with being able to make what I need Today, I realized that I had an AVERSION to making more money. That I was just willing to accept being where I was to AVOID dealing with the issues that having more money would bring up…As I released on my desire for control, I feel I am ready to receive more…” – K.W.

Unexpected Gains

“In continuing to do this amazing work, I have spent the past few weeks working on issues related to my weight.  So much has come up in relation to this subject.  Truly see how I’ve been using my weight as a means of protection and also escape. And for the first time in my life, I truly feel Ok with body..and my experiences.  Moved completely into acceptance and peace. Such incredible joy!
Also worked on a goal of having $10,000.00 or more.  And almost instantly remembered earning college degrees. Wow!  With the incredible power of releasing, have fully recovered from past health issues and traumas that had previously caused me to forget having achieved these incredible accomplishments and many important family gatherings. There is just SO much gratitude to all of my family and friends for all of their incredible love, guidance, and support.  Through releasing am now aware of how much goodness I have available to me.  These insights are perhaps my greatest and most unexpected gains. 
Relationships are mending.  Past emails from family and friends have also recently came into my awareness. Spending time with family is now more comfortable. As things from the past appear, I just keep releasing and taking responsibility for everything.” – Christine

IRS problem solves itself

“I used to have an IRS problem caused by my last employer. It didn’t report the correct amount of taxes that we paid to the government in the beginning of 2010. While at The Final Step Retreat, the problem was solved by itself and I got a restitution of $1000,00.-The individual assistance in releasing fear of dying given by Larry brought me a level of releasing much deeper than anything before. I went into a space of complete peace and quiet. On the beginning of the second day I completely dis-identified with my mind and got a poweful clarity that stayed with me throughout the whole retreat and after it.-My travel back to Brasil was totally in the flow. even though apparent “issues” seemed to arise they resolved themselves without my help and I never arrived so early before. – I uncovered a deep memory from when I was 9 years old that was creating a program and I was able to release them. The funny thing to me is that I don’t remember much about childhood and what I remember is fuzzy and unreal, but this memory was very clear and almost solid, to the point that I even knew the names and surnames of the boy and the girl involved.-I unexpectedly received U$1400 – I began the second day with headache and stuffed nose, and it all cleared for good after 1 hour into the class-I feel lighter, happier and much more loving than when I arrived at the retreat. My mind is much quieter and whatever thoughts show up are easily released.Thank you for the awesome retreat!” – M.C.

Gaining Clarity

“My Gains:

-I used to have an IRS problem caused by my last employer. It didn’t report the correct amount of taxes that we paid to the government in the beginning of 2010. While at Asilomar, the problem was solved by itself and I got a restitution of $1,000.00.

-The individual assistance in releasing fear of dying given by Larry brought me a level of releasing much deeper than anything before. I went into a space of complete peace and quiet.

-On the beginning of the second day I completely dis-identified with my mind and got a poweful clarity that stayed with me throughout the whole retreat and after it.

-My travel back to Brasil was totally in the flow. Even though apparent “issues” seemed to arise they resolved themselves without my help and I never arrived so early before.

-I uncovered a deep memory from when I was 9 years old that was creating a program and I was able to release them. The funny thing to me is that I don’t remember much about childhood and what I remember is fuzzy and unreal, but this memory was very clear and almost solid, to the point that I even knew the names and surnames of the boy and the girl involved.

-I unexpectedly received $1,400 .00

-I began the second day with a headache and stuffy nose, and it all cleared for good after one hour into the class

-I feel lighter, happier and much more loving than when I arrived at the retreat. My mind is much quieter and whatever thoughts show up are easily released.

Thank you for the awesome retreat!” – Mário

Releasing helps with insurance claim and business deal

“We had roofers come out to estimate repair.The inspector said we had hail damage all over and he thought we could get the insurance company to cover it. Insurance guys came out and said they’d cover part of it. My husband and original inspector discussed it and decided to pursue getting whole thing covered as there was damage all over the roof, not just partial as was stated in report. I released on it, whatever happens is fine.They called insurance company and spoke to managers and showed them contradictions in their own report. Insurance company came back and said they would pay for it all! Saved us $12,000! And the new roof looks beautiful! Today’s gainI’ve been releasing all weekend with the goals and resistance cd’s,This morning my coworker offered to split all her appraisals with me 50/50! I had taken photos for her because I knew she had some appraisals due and she was running behind. She can’t seem to get good pictures of the jewelry whereas mine come out great. Because she can’t keep up with them all and I can save her a lot of time by taking pictures of the jewelry for her. That gain will amount to another $500-1000.00/month for me!” – J.B.

Gets deed to property restored by releasing

“Hi Larry, thank you for the wonderful programs that you allow us to take part in, It is fantistic. My life has changed so very much and I love it, I look forward taking the next class with Ken and Rebecca, then I will take the 90days. My gains for the few weeks were amazing, the first day my gains was $700.00 then $500.00 the first week, then last week gains is $10.000 plus $500. I also was able to get my Deed for my Florida property restored to my name after two years, that the bank ilegally took from me, and give it back to me which I have a lawsuit on them for voilating a bankruptcy code, which I know I will win also. I am so greatful for the release technique that help me to remove all of my negativity and replace it with love and kindness.” – M.P.

My Heartfelt Gratitude

“A thank you seems inadequate to appreciate the gift of releasing.
Yesterday I attended a karaoke party for a friend, never being to one before, I found myself singing all the songs through beingness, my voice was strong, dynamic and powerful.  I haven’t ever sung some of the songs, didn’t know some of them and sang them anyway.  I experienced witnessing/beingness through me.  My friends and I were amazed.  It feels like love working through me, the joy is inexplicable.  I am moved to tears many times through the days, feeling so much gratitude it feels like breath or air.  My sleeping patterns have been just a few hours a night, yet experiencing incredible energy and clear thinking during the day.  Every day seems serendipitous with people meeting me, appearing at the perfect time to meet every my every desire.
I have been working with a few goals the last week:
-I allow myself to do absolutely nothing but release and live an abundant joyful life with ease by releasing only.
-I allow myself to experience divine companionship and love with ease by releasing only.
-I allow myself to have a million dollars or more by releasing only.
-I allow myself to have a new, white Mercedes SL550 AMG by releasing only
-I allow myself to be my perfect weight and have a healthy, vibrant body with ease by releasing only.
Any recommendations you have would be appreciated.  I am experiencing new, never felt emotions and realizing it’s all a movie that I am directing.”

In love and Appreciation,
Cynthia Collins

Replacing Negativity with Love & Kindness, and Gaining Financially

“Thank you for the wonderful programs that you allow us to take part in, it is fantistic. My life has changed so very much and I love it, I look forward taking the next class with Ken and Rebecca, then I will take the 90-days. My gains for the few weeks were amazing, the first day my gain was $700.00 then $500.00 the first week, then last week’s gains were $1,000 plus $500. I also was able to get my Deed for my Florida property restored to my name after two years, that the bank ilegally took from me, and give it back to me which I have a lawsuit on them for voilating a bankruptcy code, which I know I will win also. I am so greatful for the release technique that help me to remove all of my negitivity and replace it with love and kindness.”
With Gratitude, 
Meena Persad


“Thanks for a great course. It has renewed my commitment to releasing. It has been a little over 3 years since I last took a course. I have released the last 3 years but not with the focus and clarity that I needed.  I was involved in other spiritual practices that were helpful but often left me floating above my garbage and not really cleaning up my AGFLAP.  I am doing attachments and aversions with a greater clarity and sense of the benefit than I ever had before. I have been working about 3 hours every morning doing attachment and aversions.  I also I am listenting to Lester’s demonstration CD over and over and each time I listen I gain greater clarity and insight. I really understand when Lester said that we have to become a winner in life. I had fallen into a subtle spiritual trap that being a winner was not important. I am committed to being a winner and being imperturbable.

I am also doing goal charts at a much deeper level than I ever did before.  I am uncovering the subconscious resistance with greater ease. I see how AGFLAP can bite me in the butt if i am not vigilant in my releasing. It certainly appeared in my relationship with my dad and I am taking 100% responsibility for it rather than blaming my dad which is what I had started to do. Taking 100% responsibility and releasing has moved me out of AGFLAP quckly. It can still be a challenge at times but I have the tools to release my butt off when things get difficult.  I just received the most money I ever made in a month yesterday in an educational consulting job that dropped in my lap last month and pays $60/hour. I had been releasing on having $3,000 or more each month by releasing only and this opportunity appeared out of the blue.  I didn’t go looking for the job since I had just retired from teaching. They called me and offered me the job and I love what I am doing and releasing on any feelings of fear or not being good enough.  I am committed to using the butt system and getting everything by releasing only.

My aversion to money is dropping away.  I see that the greatest action I can take is releasing. There is still a lot of releasing work to do but I have greater clarity and determination than ever. I am learning to really love myself and stop beating myself up which has been my greatest challenge along with letting go of fear and worry. (I listen to that CD every morning)  When I really love myself and let go of beating myself up or wanting approval and release all my fear and move into courageousness, acceptance and peace, life gets a lot easier.  I am taking “Love Yourself and Let the Other Person Have it Your Way” as my next step. It is the exact area that I am really working on.”

Thanks again!

Gets new car with no money out-of-pocket, low monthly payment and additional $1000 check

“For the past three years I have been releasing on a new car. The Ford Explorer I was driving had high miles and no heat. Living in Michigan having heat in the winter is important. My ego had been telling me that I couldn’t afford a new car and told me make due with what I have. My wife suggested that I take money from a 401K plan and use it as a down payment on a car to get the payments to an amount I could afford. We visited a Ford dealership and found that by leasing the payments were under $300/month. I then found I could trade in my Ford Explorer. This resulted in no money out of pocket to get into the lease and brought my payments down to $258/month. In addition to that I received a check for $1,000.00 for the trade-in.” – B.P.

Keeping Warm & Financially Gaining through Releasing

“For the past three years I have been releasing on a new car. The Ford Explorer I was driving had high miles and no heat. Living in Michigan having heat in the winter is important. My ego had been telling me that I couldn’t afford a new car and told me make due with what I have. My wife suggested that I take money from a 401K plan and use it as a down payment on a car to get the payments to an amount I could afford. We visited a Ford dealership and found that by leasing the payments were under $300/month. I then found I could trade in my Ford Explorer. This resulted in no money out of pocket to get into the lease and brought my payments down to $258/month. In addition to that I received a check for $1,000.00 for the trade-in.” – Bill Paden

Overcomes resistance to taxes and IRS

“I had a huge aversion to doing taxes. Realized my 2010 was not filed, now the 2011 is due and also had a letter from IRS about owing money from 2008. Tried to get a good accountant to help me, here in Washington state, but it was a nightmare. After releasing late one night, I knew exactly who to call this morning in California, and all of a sudden I knew how to do the tax preparation, for the first time ever I had fun doing it and did all my paper work in lightning speed. Whatever receipts the accountant was looking for and forms and letters, I found instantly, just point the finger and there it was.In 2 hours all was done and sent out.”

Releasing Has Turned Dreaded Tasks into Easy Tasks

“Yesterday I was releasing with my partner on attachments and aversions to doing something.
Had a huge aversion to doing taxes. Realized my 2010 was not filed, now the 2011 is due and also had a letter from IRS about owing money from 2008. Tried to get a good accountant to help me, here in Washington state, but it was a nightmare.

After last night release, I knew exactly who to call this morning in California, and all of a sudden I knew how to do the tax preparation, for the first time ever I had fun doing it and did all my paper work in lightning speed. Whatever receipts the accountant was looking for and forms and letters, I found instantly, just point  the finger and there it was. In 2 hours all was done and sent out.”

Says YES and receives money out of the blue

“Been releasing on my job which I was fired from & I have been receiving money out of the blue… someone sent me a cashiers check of $3,700… Also my book I wrote 6 years ago, I have been getting checks in the mail for… People are giving me money… I realize that the more I SAY YES & RELEASE ALL MY NO’s to life in general, everything just flows… as I ALLOW!” – A.M.

Lets go of Resistance, Receives Over $2000

“While the continuation of the 30 day Financial Freedom Course happens during my work hours, I decided to keep the momentum going by enrolling in the extension and listening to the replays. I am continuing to release disapproving of my schedule. After listening to tonight’s replay I realized that I’ve been so deeply wanting to change it that I have it locked firmly in place. So I am making it my focus to let go of disapproving and giving it unconditional love and approval. Also since I decided to continue on with the course in spite of my “schedule/resistance” I received an unexpected check for $1274, another $1000 coming my way and my home loan modification got approved. I am going to sleep now feeling much more relaxed from listening to the replays of the course. Thanks again for all your assistance.” – L.U.

Abundance Course Products

Two Options to Learn the Abundance Course

Abundance Course CD Set – $279

Online Home Study Course – $199